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Example sentences for "meadowland"

Lexicographically close words:
mea; mead; meadow; meadowes; meadowlands; meadowlark; meadowlarks; meadows; meadowsweet
  1. The walls at present enclose an area of five acres and it would be hard to imagine more pleasing vistas of forest and meadowland than those which greet one from the battlements.

  2. The rain interferes much with the prospect, but in the lulls we catch glimpses of long reaches of meadowland dotted with solitary trees, rich with the emerald greenness that follows summer rain in England.

  3. It is pleasantly situated on a strip of meadowland between two small rivers, and today has about two thousand people.

  4. But it has a certain bluntness and gauntness of its own, standing solid and stark in the plain meadowland of the Wey.

  5. It was in May, and there was a haze over the meadowland by the river which blurred shapes and colours.

  6. Down the coulee and out into the green meadowland of the plain ran Nada, her hair streaming brightly in the sun, her arms clutching Peter to her breast.

  7. This bundle she thrust under her bed, just as a long time ago she had thrust a similar bundle under a banksian clump in the meadowland below Cragg's Ridge.

  8. It stretches roomily from the river to the railway, with one end in the lush meadowland of the Thames valley, and the other rising on the heath and pine-wood scenery so characteristic of West Surrey.

  9. South of them in an open meadowland a number of black warriors were gathered about an object which elicited much wondering comment.

  10. Their entire attention was centered on the trail directly ahead of them, as they momentarily expected it to break into the meadowland where they were sure they would see the plane that would spell life and liberty for them.

  11. In some respects the tree-dotted meadowland reminded him of a park-like English forest, and that wild beasts and savage men could ever be a part of so quiet a scene seemed the remotest of contingencies.

  12. A few miles below Verdun, on a narrow strip of meadowland between the river and the northern bluffs, stood an eighteenth-century château and the half-dozen houses of its dependents.

  13. And all the miles and miles of meadowland The spring makes golden ways, Lead here, for here the gold Grows brightest for our eyes, And for our hearts lovelier even than love.

  14. Streaks of meadowland and the glint of water showed below him, and he heard the bleat of sheep far away, and the tinkling of a bell.

  15. The road ran through the flats at that place, with marsh and meadowland on either hand.

  16. But Balin quickly dove beneath the tree boughs and raced through miles of thick groves and open meadowland until his good horse, at last wearied and uncertain in his footsteps, stumbled over a fallen oak and threw Balin headlong.

  17. As they passed out of the wood into the open sky they came to a little town with towers upon a rocky hill, and beneath it a wide meadowland with mowers in it, mowing the hay.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meadowland" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.