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Example sentences for "mingling"

Lexicographically close words:
minever; mingle; mingled; mingles; mingleth; minglings; minha; miniature; miniatures; miniaturist
  1. No conspirators were now mingling in the crowd, unless perchance the assassin Booth might have been lurking there.

  2. Terrified women flit hither and thither, mingling their shrieks in a wild and fiend-like concert with the crack of musketry, the falling of houses, and the loud huzzas and fierce outcries of excited men.

  3. There was a strange mingling of emotion in the hearts of the lovers as they stood side by side within that room in the gray dawn of the next morning.

  4. Then he would suddenly plunge his fork into the very heart of the jewel, and it would flow over his plate, mingling with the butter, and he would catch it deftly with little mops of warm, crisp, buttery roll.

  5. Thoughts so gay and flashes so refined, such a mingling of choice literature, brilliant anecdote, and happy jests, are seldom heard as I heard them.

  6. When I sat among them smoking and drinking beer, and mingling German student words with English, it seemed as if the past twenty years were all a dream, and that I was a Bursch again.

  7. They immediately set up a great shout, and mingling the lime with water, rubbed their faces and their bodies all over with it, and ran through the village screaming with delight.

  8. Chavigni and De Blenau mounted their horses together; and the four or five servants which the Statesman had brought with him from Paris, mingling with those of De Blenau, followed the two gentlemen as they rode from the gate.

  9. Afterward came oblivion, a sweet forgetting of all unpleasantness, a divine sense of mingling without responsibility with the elements.

  10. Above this sand-spit thousands of gulls flashed, skirling and screeching in the sunlight, their weird, thin calls mingling with the diapason of the surf that boomed against the beach and the hundred reefs of Kon Klayu.

  11. His sense of the desecration to which the person of his Czar was being subjected by mingling with people like the widow of a hanged rebel rankled in his heart.

  12. There is a mingling of fire and tears in the Pietist "hop.

  13. And what we term the natural, or the true in love, is the singular mingling of two forms of imaginations, wrongly supposed to be incompatible: ideal aspiration and the sense for the realities of life.

  14. Hadrian severely prohibited this mingling of men and women, and ordained separate lavaera for the sexes.

  15. Usually the arrangement is careful, but with an indiscriminate mingling of larger and smaller graves, as if they had been made one after another for young and old, according as they might be brought for burial.

  16. Discusses the cultural effects of the mingling of French and Indians in Canada.

  17. There is, of course, a kaleidoscopic mingling of wishes throughout life, and a single given act may contain a plurality of them.

  18. Miscegenation, or the mingling of races, is a universal phenomenon among the historical races.

  19. The process of assimilation is of a psychological rather than of a biological nature, and refers to the growing alike in character, thoughts, and institutions, rather than to the blood-mingling brought about by intermarriage.

  20. Mingling with the hurrying mob, Renzo soon discovered that they had been engaged in sacking a bakery, and were filled with fury to find large quantities of flour, the existence of which the authorities had denied.

  21. From behind a closed door there came the sound of scales, and he stood, a prey to his emotions, the notes mingling in his ears with the beating of his heart.

  22. A storm came on, mingling all sounds of fear, That woods, and sky, and mountains, seemed one havock.

  23. For example, water participates in the fluidity of the air, without however mingling therewith; so the earth does not possess the fire, but derives its brightness from it.

  24. It may perhaps be best not to include negations in the same genus as things themselves, since, to avoid mingling several genera, we often do not include affirmations.

  25. This objection, however, might have no cogency, for this mathematical relation might not apply to natural things, as indeed we are led to surmise by the possibility of mingling earth and water without any intermediary.

  26. There could be few more tearful sights,--and Heaven forgive us if a smile insist on mingling with our conception of it!

  27. Hepzibah, whenever she happened to witness one of these fits of miniature enthusiasm, would shake her head, with a strange mingling of the mother and sister, and of pleasure and sadness, in her aspect.

  28. And at once it appeared to me that other sounds were mingling with them--sounds that suggested the presence of human beings.

  29. The negro also fell asleep, but awoke from time to time--fancying that he heard the screams of the jaguars mingling with the confused surging of the waters!

  30. The bandit, with his arms drawn crosswise, saw that resistance was vain; and yielding himself to despair he lay motionless--rage and fear strangely mingling in the expression of his features.

  31. The native followers, their heads in their blankets, had ceased their sonorous hum of gossip, and were mingling their snores with the somewhat discomforting sounds emitted by the nostrils of Pemberton.

  32. These dart hither and thither, whistling and chattering, their shrill din mingling with the bellowings of the wounded buck.

  33. Particularly at morning and night their hum, echoing through the ravine and mingling with the murmur of the river, sounded like the drone of distant machinery.

  34. At last Bertram, whose attention was now fully awakened, conceived that he saw a boat upon the sea, and heard in good earnest the sound of oars and of human voices, mingling with the dash of the billows.

  35. Far in the distance, under the indistinct light of a hazy and often overclouded moon, the ocean rolled its multitudinous complication of waves, crossing, bursting, and mingling with each other.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mingling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    admixture; amalgamation; blend; combination; composition; fusion; integration; interfusion; intermingling; merger; mingling; mixing; mixture; pluralism; syncretism