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Example sentences for "normal persons"

  • This obtuseness sometimes reaches complete analgesia or total absence of feeling (16%), a phenomenon never encountered in normal persons.

  • Criminals are more sensitive on the left side, contrary to normal persons, in whom greater sensibility prevails on the right.

  • Hare-lip is more common in criminals than in normal persons.

  • Greek: hypnos]), which can be induced in a large majority of normal persons.

  • It has now been abundantly proved that hypnosis can be induced in the great majority of normal persons, provided that they willingly submit themselves to the process.

  • In most cases, however, it seems to me that homosexual dreams in normal persons may be simply explained as due to the ordinary confusion and transition of dream imagery.

  • Hirschfeld and others have pointed out, very truly, that inverts are less prone than normal persons to regard caste and social position.

  • She had used the word "vena" in her dreams, as happens occasionally to normal persons.

  • In normal persons we usually find a limited number of false reproductions, seldom more than 19-20 per cent.

  • We normal persons, who have to do entirely with reality, see only the products of disordered fancy, but not the wealth of that side of the mind which is turned away from us.

  • This symptom, however, in a mild degree, is met with also in normal persons.

  • All these cranial abnormalities are found occasionally in ordinary persons; very rarely are they found combined in normal persons to the extent that they are found among instinctive criminals.

  • Some time ago we estimated the average degree of sound similarity between stimulus words and reaction words in a series of one hundred test records obtained from normal persons; we found that on the average 14.

  • It is important to distinguish inability from unwillingness to co-operate, since the former indicates in itself an abnormal state of the mind, while the latter is quite often shown by normal persons.

  • Very well--but through psychoanalysis we have learned that these peculiar compulsion symptoms may be permanently removed just like any other disease of normal persons.

  • Dreams of neurotics differ in no essential point from the dreams of normal persons; you might even say they cannot be distinguished.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "normal persons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    camp near; capital fellow; family names; first hearing; has been said before; hath triumphed; human labour; infinite wisdom; keep well; know thou; lateral pressure; natural daughter; normal children; normal condition; normal individuals; normal life; normal salt; normal school; normal space; normal state; normal times; normally self; quoted from; shore birds; strong fort; used here