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Example sentences for "provokes"

Lexicographically close words:
provocative; provocatively; provocatives; provoke; provoked; provoketh; provoking; provokingly; provosts; provostship
  1. For in the fear of God we signifie unto your Honouris, that whosoever persuadeth unto you, that ye may pardone whair God commandeth death, deceaveth your saulles, and provokes you to offend Goddis Majestie.

  2. Of course it opens questions and provokes dissent at every turn; but, after all, the history of a religion once introduced into the world is the history of the men who give it shape and preach it, who accept or oppose it.

  3. And if it is said that this is the fault of human nature, which resists what provokes and checks it, still that very thing, which infallibility was intended to counteract, goes on equally, whether it comes into play or not.

  4. That which is not" provokes an inquiry into what is, Being.

  5. Socrates' belief that politics cannot be taught provokes one of the long speeches to which Plato strongly objected because a fundamental fallacy could not be refuted at the outset, vitiating the whole of the subsequent argument.

  6. Have you practised the sharpness which provokes retort, and the continual monotony which by setting your adversary to sleep effectually precludes reply?

  7. The sight of the Highland kelt, the flowing plaid, the buskined leg, provokes my antagonist to laugh!

  8. I will not pause To weigh and doubt and peck at flaws, Or waste my pity when some fool Provokes her measureless ridicule.

  9. Let us not betake us to the common arts and stratagems of nations, but fear God, and put away the evil which provokes Him; and trust not in man, but in the living God; and it shall go well for England!

  10. Fortunately he said so in a place where I am well known; still, his audacity provokes me; but the people, when they go to Munich, will hear the exact reverse.

  11. What provokes me most of all is that these stupid Frenchmen think I am still only seven years old, as they saw me first when I was that age.

  12. It is the conflict between ideas as merely coincident and ideas as coherent that constitutes the need which provokes the response of thought.

  13. But there is no alternative in this dilemma except to recognize that an entire situation of experience, within which are both that afterward found to be mere coincidence and that found to be real connection, actually provokes thought.

  14. Every privatisation - especially that of a medium - provokes public opposition.

  15. It is heart rending and often provokes in me a tsunamic pity, an earthquake of goodwill.

  16. The spectre of government official using public money to benefit their political allies or their family members - haunts public imagination and provokes public indignation.

  17. Yet the impression of an intangible something that is evil and uncanny is so strong, that when the very real head of the tramp appears the contrast provokes a sudden laugh at its absurdity.

  18. Humor exerts an emotional appeal, produces smiles or laughter; wit may be amusing, or it may not, according to the circumstances, but it always provokes an intellectual appreciation.

  19. The kindly spirit of British humor is revealed even in sarcastic jesting on the domestic relation, which, on the contrary, provokes the bitterest jibes of the Latins.

  20. I am happy that the news from Paris are good; the really good understanding between our two Governments provokes the Carlists and Anarchists.

  21. This superbly written aria provokes from the terrified idolaters a chorus of fear and reproach that is strongly effective.

  22. The present sense, feeling, and pressure that lieth upon his spirit, provokes him to groan out his request unto the Lord.

  23. The child was born on a good day and in a lucky hour, and yet he is so puny and weak and will not learn to speak, and that provokes Pianchi.

  24. Perhaps you are right," he replied after a short silence, and he too lowered his voice, for a subdued tone generally provokes an equally subdued answer.

  25. Ay, to find Your Red desiderated article, Where every scratch and scrape provokes my White To all the more superb a prominence!

  26. As soon will the galvanism, that provokes to violent action the muscles of a corpse, induce it to cross the chamber steadily: sooner.

  27. If the excitant which provokes it is included in our nervous system, it is the sensation which becomes individual, hidden to all except ourselves, and constituting a microcosm by the side of a macrocosm.

  28. The undulation is the work of two collaborators: it expresses both the nature of the object which provokes it and that of the nervous apparatus which is its vehicle.

  29. R-Kt4 P-Kt3 White provokes this move in order to produce a weakness at KB6.

  30. With the text move, White provokes the sacrifice of the Queen at Kt 8, apparently not seeing the fine continuation at Black's disposal on the forty-first move.

  31. Black of course need not take the pawn, but the move in the text is a valuable one nevertheless, as the threat Q-B3-R3 provokes a weakening pawn move.

  32. It will be a very dangerous thing to the Dominion Government if it provokes a conflict between itself and the Governments of the Provinces.

  33. Moose Jaw, as the name of a city, provokes smiles.

  34. The idea of this structure was suggested by the Bridge of Sighs at Venice, and it is commonly known by that name, which provokes unkind comparisons.

  35. That," exclaimed Euergetes, "is exactly what most provokes me in this superstition.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "provokes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.