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Example sentences for "redouble"

Lexicographically close words:
redmen; redness; redolent; redonda; redooced; redoubled; redoubles; redoubling; redoubt; redoubtable
  1. Urge that you redouble efforts, supplicate for unprecedented blessings.

  2. I urge believers and local assemblies to redouble their efforts in support of vital National Fund.

  3. O my lord," answered Hasan, though for the love of her I were cut in pieces yet should I but redouble in love and transport!

  4. And your elevation, Captain Marion, will redouble your mutual affection," put in Tetrik.

  5. Her words only served to redouble the indignation and fury of the soldiers.

  6. To redouble the certainty of their truth every time one thinks of them.

  7. Thou didst redouble my interior graces, in proportion as Thou didst augment my exterior crosses.

  8. This I said, because some of the good people heard my lady, and seemed troubled, and began to redouble their prayers, for my safety and preservation.

  9. They should persevere, redouble their efforts, close their ranks, intensify their individual as well as collective teaching activities, and defend even more tenaciously and courageously the tenets, claims and institutions of their Faith.

  10. So much the better, for we must redouble our precautions.

  11. Then said he, "I purpose to make an ode in the King's praise, that he may redouble in affection for me.

  12. Love and affliction hour by hour redouble in my breast: The days of exile are prolonged; no end to them I see.

  13. Yet, for all this, the wise but redouble in love and honour of them, nor do they count this oppression or dishonour.

  14. To redouble the ardour of his soldiers, Fakreddin often repeated, with a tone of assurance, that he should soon go and sleep in the tent of the king of the Franks.

  15. The king commanded the rowers to redouble their efforts to gain the shore.

  16. Tranquil had only stopped to let his comrades fully understand the imminent danger to which they were exposed, and urge them to redouble their caution, for, at the slightest weakness, they would be lost.

  17. Still, we will redouble our prudence, and try to accomplish our scheme without incurring too great a risk.

  18. The queen received this disgrace with admirable patience and peace of mind, and made use of the opportunity which her retirement afforded, to redouble her austerities and devotions.

  19. It is curious that both the Rondeau Redouble and this one, masquerading under the names of well-known forms, should be each unlike their unqualified title, and yet so nearly akin to the other.

  20. Another form, the GLOSE, resembles the Rondeau Redouble in many ways; indeed, it may be almost looked upon as a freer form of that poem.

  21. The Rondeau Redouble is written in six octosyllabic quatrains, rhyming on two alternate rhymes, with half the initial line used (unrhymed) after the last verse.

  22. I paid little attention to these two, being certain that their action was a premeditated combination in order to redouble the vigilance.

  23. These suggestions of hers are always disquieting, and we redouble our attention, though without speaking much.

  24. Greatly surprised at this singular meeting, he was careful on reentering the chateau to warn Germain; and ordered him to redouble his watchfulness in order that no one might gain access to Blanche.

  25. Take this gold, but redouble your zeal; hasten; if you are tired, take a chair.

  26. These examples seemed to redouble the audacity of the vagabonds, the insolence of the pages and lackeys.

  27. Your confidence flatters me," replied the good monarch, "and would redouble my affection for you were it capable of being increased.

  28. If he had never had any thing to do with interest tables, and had but spent his capital, instead of trying to double and redouble it!

  29. Well, I will live, if you promise me still to hope; and if you grant me the care of your future prospects, you will redouble my strength.

  30. The amazement which was suddenly depicted upon his deformed face caused the bursts of laughter to redouble around him.

  31. Her mother, whose head was buried and concealed in her daughter's garments, said not a word; only her whole body could be seen to quiver, and she was heard to redouble her kisses on her child.

  32. It was also noticed that his horror for Bohemian women and gypsies had seemed to redouble for some time past.

  33. Yet for all this, the wise but redouble in affection of them and honour; nor do they count this oppression or dishonour.

  34. But she paid no heed to his words and did but redouble in her tears and wails, saying to herself, "By Allah, I will neither eat meat nor drain drink, till Allah reunite me with him!

  35. Arnold de Rohés, chaplain to the duke of Normandy, addressed them in a pathetic discourse, conjuring them to redouble their zeal and perseverance.

  36. This sight so irritated the Christians, that they resolved to redouble their efforts to get possession of the city.

  37. The new patriarch desired to follow them, bearing with him the wood of the true cross, the sight of which, like that of the holy lance, would redouble the enthusiasm and the bravery of the Crusaders.

  38. Every shouted summons to them to stand or be shot seemed only to have the effect of causing them to redouble their efforts--winding in and out among the grass and thorn-bushes with the rapidity of serpents.

  39. The drivers, about two score in number, were at first seen to redouble their efforts to urge on the animals.

  40. Return to your post, and redouble your vigilance.

  41. Hence, Pedrito recommended them to redouble their prudence, if they wished to save their lives.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "redouble" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.