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Example sentences for "rejoicingly"

Lexicographically close words:
rejoiced; rejoices; rejoicest; rejoiceth; rejoicing; rejoicings; rejoin; rejoinder; rejoinders; rejoined
  1. Old Tom, waving his cap, cheered them on as he rode rejoicingly forward on the wiry, unflinching grey.

  2. True, the gladdening variety of pasture and plough, meadow and woodland, over which hound and horse sweep rejoicingly in Britain, was not possible in the neighbourhood.

  3. The most delightful essay in one of his books of Reprints deals with this amazing bard, and contains some parodies so perfect that Mr. Haynes Bayly would have rejoicingly claimed them as his own.

  4. The lady rejoicingly paid, and requested that a similar bottle might be sent to her every week till further notice.

  5. Leaving the valley of minor matters, with exuberant spirits, he rejoicingly entered the new land of larger import, and of broader moment to the weal of the nation.

  6. O heavenly Father, let me do it, and free me from the sense of guilt towards Thyself, and enable me rightly and rejoicingly to lift up my head, too, in the presence of mine enemies.

  7. Love obeys his dear mother's words, lays by his wings, and walks rejoicingly with IĆ¼lus' tread.

  8. The gates are flung open; men go rejoicingly to see the Doric camp, the deserted stations and abandoned shore.

  9. So says he, and we all rejoicingly obey his speech.

  10. Erick rolled down the rest of the mountain side He threw both arms around the old gentleman's neck and rejoicingly exclaimed: "Oh, Grandfather, is it really you?

  11. Whatever Thy will and Thy dealings may be, be it mine cheerfully and rejoicingly to acquiesce in them, knowing them to be the dictate of infinite wisdom and unchanging love.

  12. Reposing in what Thou has done, and in what Thou art still willing to do, I can rejoicingly say, "Return unto thy rest, O my soul.

  13. In the spring the men returned rejoicingly to Canada, with their canoes laden with the richest furs.

  14. Gregory crossed the Nive on to the Barcoo, which he proceeded to run down, finding the country in a very different condition from that in which it bloomed when Mitchell rode rejoicingly along what he thought was a Gulf river.

  15. For over thirty years it had laughed at their puny efforts to cross its rugged crest, but its time had come at last; the way to the unknown west was now open, and rejoicingly the settlers prepared to follow on the explorers' trail.

  16. They rejoicingly hailed Ootah, whom they had counted among the dead.

  17. Thou art the strongest hunter of the tribe," the natives rejoicingly chorused.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rejoicingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.