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Example sentences for "reversionary"

Lexicographically close words:
reverses; reversibility; reversible; reversing; reversion; reversions; revert; reverted; reverting; reverts
  1. M539) The consent of the legal heirs of the donor to such alienation of their reversionary rights was needed.

  2. They had a reversionary right to her property, since as a votary she could not alienate it from her family.

  3. The Republic guarantees to the United States every title as absolute and free from any present or reversionary interest or claim.

  4. To have left it unasserted, when once solemnly created in his favor by a reversionary title, would have been deliberately to resign it.

  5. Fortune and family, and reversionary grandeur on my side!

  6. Actuary to the Globe Insurance Company, and to the Equitable Reversionary Society; fellow and member of Council of the Statistical Society (Cornhill, E.

  7. Actuary and secretary to the General Reversionary and Investment Company (5, Whitehall, S.

  8. Now I cannot but think, that there are many which remain for our posterity to distinguish and appropriate, and which I regard as so much reversionary wealth in our mother tongue.

  9. Therefore, when the dowry had been set at twenty-six bonds, with added hope of future succession to the rest of his property by virtue of the reversionary interest to which the wife was entitled, the bargain was accepted.

  10. She had in fact been born of a poor widow, a foreigner, and had then been adopted to bring it about that the reversionary interest would fall to their house, and hence to make good the many debts of her husband.

  11. And for this reason the said Guido and Francesca could not hope for the inheritance of the properties under the reversionary interest.

  12. The Scaligers, both father and son, I believe, acted upon this doctrine; and drew largely by anticipation upon that reversionary bank which they conceived to be answerable for such drafts.

  13. This was its purpose, and not any purpose of gratification to unhallowed curiosity; we speak of the question about the reversionary rights of marriage in a future state.

  14. Ledum, Monotropa and Pyrola, or the Labrador tea, the Indian pipe and wintergreen are instances of reversionary gamopetalism with free petals.

  15. The most careful selection, pursued through a number of years, has not been sufficient to get rid of this regular occurrence of reversionary individuals.

  16. I saw some of these reversionary types; when inspecting the nurseries of Erfurt, but as they are, as a rule, thrown out before ripening their seed, nothing is exactly known about their real hereditary qualities.

  17. As a last example of systematic atavism I will refer to the reversionary changes, afforded by the tomatoes.

  18. But whether they would do so when self-fertilized, and whether the reversionary individuals are always bound to return towards the center of the group or towards the opposite limit, remains to be investigated.

  19. Obviously it is to be considered as a reversionary form.

  20. In them the cohesion of the petals is still subject to reversionary exceptions.

  21. As an example of reversionary morals in this epidemic, we may notice the fact mentioned by Albert Rhodes that in response to visions many men put away their own wives and took others from their neighbors.

  22. We have seen that cruelty and the persecution of the weak by the strong were among the reversionary symptoms of the social epidemic in many instances.

  23. On the other side, by yielding, he seemed to forget his coronation oath, and the ultimate interests of his people--to merge the future and the reversionary in the present and the fugitive.

  24. And the patron, as necessity requires, if property is to be protected, has in all circumstances the reversionary power.

  25. All these were accounted as so many reversionary chances against Cæsar.

  26. Diagram to illustrate the appearance of the reversionary blue pigeon in F2 from the cross of black with white.

  27. The F2 generation from these reversionary talls consisted of four different types, viz.

  28. Mr. Walkinshaw, this is mair than I hae the conscience to do; the lads are parties to the transaction, by their reversionary interest, and it is but right and proper they should know what they are about.

  29. Board of Trustees has declared a Reversionary dividend to participating policies in proportion to their contribution to surplus, available on settlement of next annual premium.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reversionary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.