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Example sentences for "ringside"

Lexicographically close words:
ringlet; ringlets; ringlike; ringmaster; rings; ringstraked; ringue; ringworm; rink; rinks
  1. Alf Pond and his associates moved to the ringside as if bound for a funeral.

  2. The men reached the ringside and stood looking at one another.

  3. At the sound of these blows the men about the ringside straightened up with electric excitement.

  4. The eyes that turned in surprise about the ringside were not friendly.

  5. Public opinion has gradually become opposed to it, for the reason that it came largely into the hands of rogues, and because it fostered ringside ruffianism.

  6. Of course, I've been at the ringside incog.

  7. It was to be a whirlwind finish, and that was what a ringside audience paid to see.

  8. A knock-out seemed certain, and a captain of police, appalled at the dreadful punishment, arose by the ringside to stop the fight.

  9. Only the Thursday before he had cried at the ringside in Goldfield when Battling Nelson knocked out Joe Gans.

  10. Peter as they sat at the ringside in the enclosure near the training camp of the champion.

  11. His account of a major boxing contest is the next best thing to having a ringside seat.

  12. Evening Journal readers know this and get their ringside views from Sid for every important boxing event.

  13. Can Bugs Butler make a hundred and thirty-five ringside without being weak?

  14. Can he make a hundred and thirty-five ringside without being weak?

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ringside" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    beacon; bleachers; bridge; gallery; gazebo; grandstand; lighthouse; lookout; loophole; observatory; outlook; overlook; peephole; ringside; tower; watchtower