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Example sentences for "sick friend"

  • Lord Uxmoor gave us all up for a sick friend.

  • First, a sick friend; then a bleeding at the nose; and now he won't drive to the lake with us.

  • You silly girl, he has got no sick friend.

  • Returning, he was again berated by his wife for gambling, he protesting all the while that he had been “spending the night with a sick friend.

  • When he mentioned to Charlotte Pain that he had a visit yet to pay to a sick friend, he had alluded to Thomas Godolphin.

  • I heard he had only gone a stage or two towards Portsmouth with a sick friend.

  • Tell him that I shall be home some time in the afternoon, but I have gone out of town a few miles with a sick friend.

  • I have a visit to pay yet to a sick friend," he added, glancing at his watch.

  • Yes, sir; it was sent in to me tonight while I was with my sick friend--man wanted to see him on business and insisted upon coming in, and it was all I could do to put him off.

  • I have been sitting up with a sick friend.

  • He was up all night with a sick friend, I believe, and is not likely to be down before the afternoon.

  • She said she was going to visit a sick friend.

  • You thought I was caring for a sick friend.

  • Who was that "sick friend" that Fran had possibly mentioned only as an excuse for escaping?

  • Why, your note told us you were confined with a sick friend.

  • I have a sick friend at home, whom misfortune hath nearly bereft of reason, and whose wants are now so complicated and expensive, that never till now did I know the complete desolation of a man without a country or a profession.

  • I know I intrude, madam; and I have promised to be with my sick friend at an early hour.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sick friend" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about half the length; away they; bodily form; everything will; few weeks; full speed; general reserve; good sirs; great disadvantage; little cayenne; nine lines; our nature; perforated zinc; prima facie; religious community; sick friend; sick headache; sick leave; sick person; sick room; sickly smile; sympathetic magic; then transferred; this affair; well adapted; will rest