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Example sentences for "solute"

Lexicographically close words:
solubility; soluble; solum; solummodo; solus; solution; solutions; solve; solved; solvency
  1. In order to be prepared to answer these questions, we must consider, in what way the presence of the solvent must modify the motions and the forces of impact of solute molecules.

  2. At that point, the tendency to expansion, both of the solute and of the solvent in the solution, is just overcome by the pressure on the solution.

  3. When such a pressure on the surface of the solution balances the force exerted against the solvent by the solute we shall have equilibrium.

  4. One great difference between the dissolved substance and the gas would be, that, in the solution, the solute is in intimate contact with the ‹solvent›.

  5. The depression of the freezing-point of a given solvent by a solute is proportional to the concentration of the solute or proportional to its osmotic pressure.

  6. As to the interpretation of the Scriptures solute and at large, there have been divers kinds introduced and devised; some of them rather curious and unsafe than sober and warranted.

  7. The interpretations of the Scriptures are of two sorts: methodical, and solute or at large.

  8. As has already been emphasized, a distinction between solvent and solute is merely conventional (p.

  9. The theoretical value for the depression of the freezing point of a dilute solution per gramme-equivalent of solute per litre is 1.

  10. There must, then, be a relation between the rate of change of the concentration and the osmotic pressure gradient, and thus we may consider the osmotic pressure gradient as a force driving the solute through a viscous medium.

  11. A decinormal solution contains one-tenth of a gramme-molecule of the solute per litre, and a centinormal solution one-hundredth of a gramme-molecule.

  12. The weight of solute dissolved in 100 grammes of the solvent.

  13. There is a double current, as in the living cell, a stream of water from the periphery to the centre, and of the solute from the centre to the periphery.

  14. The concentration of a solution is the ratio between the quantity of the solute and the quantity of the solvent.

  15. The most usual method is to give the concentration as the weight of solute dissolved in 100 grammes or in one litre of the solvent.

  16. When a solute is resolved into its component molecules, its surface is enormously increased, and therefore the friction between the molecules of the solute and those of the solvent.

  17. Before solution the solute or dissolved substance may be solid, liquid, or gaseous.

  18. The water molecules on the other hand pass from positions where the osmotic pressure of the solute is less towards positions where it is greater.

  19. When a solute is introduced into a colloidal solution, the greater the concentration of the colloid the slower will be the diffusion.

  20. The molecules of the solute move from a place where the osmotic pressure is greater towards a position where the osmotic pressure is less.

  21. If the electrolytic cell is divided into two segments by means of a porous diaphragm, we shall find after a time an unequal distribution of the solute on the two sides.

  22. A disregard of this fact, that a solute will always pass from a solution where its osmotic pressure is high, into one where its osmotic pressure is low, is a frequent source of error.

  23. The weight of solute dissolved in a litre of the solvent.

  24. The weight of solute in a litre of the solution.

  25. This diffusion of the solute is a phenomenon exactly analogous to the expansion of a gas.

  26. But all the cruelties in the Old Testament are ab- solute mercies compared with the hell of the New Testament.

  27. I demand an ab- solute knowledge of the then present; I demand a knowledge of the constitution of the human mind-- of the facts in nature, and that is all I demand.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.