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Example sentences for "suffetes"

Lexicographically close words:
suffereth; sufferin; suffering; sufferings; suffers; suffice; sufficed; suffices; sufficeth; sufficiency
  1. The Suffetes exercised judicial, financial and religious functions, and presided over the council and senate.

  2. In 550, the Carthaginians, led by the suffetes Malchus, conquered almost all Sicily and expelled the Greeks.

  3. The aristocratic party was represented by the two suffetes and the senate; the democratic by the popular assembly.

  4. The suffetes (Sofetim) presided in the senate and controlled the civil administration; the office was annual, but there was no limit to re-election.

  5. The election of the suffetes had to be ratified by this assembly.

  6. Mago, son of Hanno, succeeded Malchus, as suffetes and general-in-chief.

  7. The suffetes are mere puppets in their hands.

  8. At the head of affairs were two suffetes chosen for life.

  9. There were in like manner two suffetes in Gades and each of the other Phœnician colonies (Livy, xxviii, 37).

  10. There was a demos or people at Carthage, who were consulted on particular occasions, and before whom propositions were publicly debated, in cases where the suffetes and the small Council were not all of one mind.

  11. The power of the Suffetes was only annual, and their authority in Carthage answered to that of the consuls at Rome.

  12. The two Suffetes represented the original Kings of Carthage (6, 51).

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suffetes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.