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Example sentences for "sweepings"

Lexicographically close words:
sweeper; sweepers; sweepeth; sweeping; sweepingly; sweeps; sweepstake; sweepy; sweer; sweet
  1. He spent the night once more at the mill and gave the miller his answer, and by-and-by he told the three sisters not to throw out all their sweepings in the face of the sun.

  2. Because they always throw out their sweepings in the face of the sun.

  3. What, of Villarayo's men, the sweepings and scum of the place, every one of them armed with a long knife stuck in his scarf that he likes to whip out and use!

  4. Indeed, it is by the chimney that much of the metal now escapes; for Thakrah tells us that he has been informed by a manufacturer that from the sweepings of the chimney on one occasion he had collected twenty pounds of good quicksilver.

  5. They're just plain sweepings of hell--" Here his speech was broken off by the spectacle that greeted him on Number Two hatch.

  6. As he always did on Saturdays, Bettesworth had swept up the garden paths with extra care, and on this afternoon had taken the sweepings into the lane, to fill up a rut there.

  7. His patient sweepings and grumblings were one of the notes of early winter for me--"the slovenliest time of all the year," he used to say.

  8. Defn: Things collected by sweeping; rubbish; as, the sweepings of a street.

  9. All this, Madam, is doubtless true: but my friends are not the sweepings of the street.

  10. There were among the prisoners twenty or thirty women, the sweepings of the Bristol streets.

  11. The white servants have been hitherto the common rogues and thieves and sweepings of your English streets,' she said.

  12. A Punjabi Sirdar, Har Dyal Singh, has reformed, or made rather, Courts on the Civil and Criminal Side; and his hand is said to be found in a good many sweepings out of old corners.

  13. And so, had all in the crowd been what he termed them, the rabble and sweepings of the streets, it would have been.

  14. You scum of a filthy city, sweepings of the Halles!

  15. The real "mill track" is the natural spawn that has spread through the thoroughly amalgamated horse droppings in mill tracks, or the sweepings from mill tracks.

  16. What Clon had been seeking on the path between the house and the village, what the goodwife of the inn had sought among the sweepings of yard and floor, I knew now,--the sachet.

  17. You know that all our scavengers uniting together deposit their sweepings in one large canal, which is called the thoracic duct.

  18. And then they take the pot of sweepings and throw it outside the village.

  19. While the Panda is doing this every one collects the sweepings of his house in a winnowing-fan and throws them outside the village boundary, at the same time ringing a bell continuously.

  20. Another body of persons accessory to the trade are the Niarias, who take the ashes and sweepings from the goldsmith's shop, paying a sum of ten or twenty rupees annually for them.

  21. In this manner everything was transferred to the top of the crater-wall that was needed there, when Bob went down to the dingui to roll up the half-barrel of sweepings that had been brought from the ship.

  22. When this was done, he sent down the bucket, and hauled up the sweepings of the deck, which Bob had ready for him, below.

  23. This world was dense as copper, for with the deeper sweepings of the tidal strains that had formed it, more of the heavier atoms had gone into its making, and its core was denser than that of Earth.

  24. Yet it was but the burned-out sweepings of the outermost photospheric layers of this giant sun, and the radioactive atoms that made a sun active were not here; it was a cold planet.

  25. The pupils are taught, I suppose, how to serve up the sweepings from the streets and the gutters and the bar-rooms in the most engaging manner.

  26. Cordelia Running Bird gave her broom a sudden push and sent the sweepings flying backward in a cloud.

  27. The owner of the works has the sweepings by right from the owner of the ore.

  28. Hence those whose office it is in the silversmiths' shops to purify silver, derive gain by appropriation to themselves of the sweepings of silver which leap out of the melting-pot.

  29. Even the sweepings and refuse from the sheets and floor are all carefully collected, mixed with water, boiled separately, and made into cakes, which are called 'washings.

  30. This is carefully brushed off before packing, and, mixed with sweepings and tiny chips is all ground up in a hand-mill, packed in separate chests, and sold as dust.

  31. In ordinary years these holy sweepings preserve the crops; but that year, if you will believe me, they had no effect whatever.

  32. Next morning the women sweep out their hearths and houses, and deposit the sweepings on broken wooden plates.

  33. In these wicker figures are also deposited the sweepings of the houses and the ashes of yesterday's fires.

  34. It is the sweepings of the Birmingham manufactories.

  35. If a person throws sweepings or melon rinds on the road, he shall be responsible for the consequences.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sweepings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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