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Example sentences for "paths"

Lexicographically close words:
pathologischen; pathologist; pathologists; pathology; pathos; pathway; pathways; pati; patience; patiens
  1. Lord of all the Universe, when I think of YOU, Then this little mortal mind gets the larger view; Then I see all shadowed paths leading into Light, Where the wrong things slay themselves, leaving only Right.

  2. And all along the paths my feet have trod, I have sought hungrily with heart and mind, And open eyes for beauty, everywhere.

  3. Along the garden paths they walked - The moon was at its height - And lover-wise they strolled and talked, But something was not right.

  4. Then I see all shadowed paths leading out to Light; See the false things fade away, leaving but the True; See the wrong things slay themselves, leaving only Right; When this little mortal mind gets the larger view.

  5. The masses of mankind are incapable of judging between the value of prevailing usages and novel practices; much less are they capable themselves of striking out new paths fit to be followed by their fellow men.

  6. The mountaineers of the surrounding villages depart one by one; a dozen carriages are harnessed, their lanterns are lighted, their bells ring and they disappear in the little shady paths of the valleys.

  7. Through paths of the Gizune, they had returned on foot from Spain, heavy with copper coin bearing the effigy of the gentle, little King Alfonso XIII.

  8. And they also, the two who are passing through these paths of foxglove and of fern, participate in this splendor of spring.

  9. Silent for a moment, he walked less quickly toward his house, on the deserted paths winding on the heights.

  10. Saps ascended everywhere around him, on the sides of the brown Pyrenees; there were longer and more tepid nights; the paths were bordered with violets and periwinkles.

  11. Such paths as these take the breath away, my good sir," said the old woman.

  12. There were more paths than one beneath the beech-tree.

  13. The edges of the paths had green borders that told of Corbeil d'Argent in Midwinter, and violets in early spring.

  14. I decline to accept the position you have prepared for me, and our paths separate now.

  15. The earnest wayfarer along the paths of life does but become the more deeply convinced, as his travels extend, of the beauty, the wisdom, and truth of the simplest and humblest laws of existence.

  16. Having then, in a few well-chosen phrases, discussed one type of camouflage, I would pass on and lead the thirster for information still farther into the by-paths of knowledge.

  17. No trees and little rivers, no cottages and flowering paths delight one's eye.

  18. And it is the principle of responsibility on which the British Army is built up: another thing about which I am very doubtful as to the knowledge of those whose paths have not led them near things military.

  19. So the old Nome climbed the foothills and trudged along the wild mountain paths until he came to a big gully that encircled the Mountain of Phantastico and marked the boundary line of the dominion of the Phanfasms.

  20. So they went into the back yard, and after walking along winding paths some distance through the beautiful gardens they came to an attractive little house where the Yellow Hen sat on the front porch sunning herself.

  21. His Gospel, obey His Commandments, and trustfully permit Him to lead us in whatsoever paths He will.

  22. The suggestion of actions is thus nothing but making use of the antagonistic character in the nervous paths which start from the motor centers.

  23. We eulogize the principle of following the paths of own true interest and mean by that too often paths of least resistance.

  24. Most of the tracts at first lack the so-called medullar sheath, and from month to month new paths are provided with this physical equipment.

  25. Finally we know how millions of connecting fibers represent paths in all directions, allowing very well a coƶperation by association between the most distant parts of the brain.

  26. Our understanding of these indubitable facts indeed does not go further than the acknowledgment that the paths for such central connections exist.

  27. The patient did not understand how to make the most out of those motor paths which had been left.

  28. If I open my hand, the motor paths which lead to closing my fist are blocked; and if I close my fist, the channels which lead to the opening of the hand are closed.

  29. Those impressions which would lead to the opposite actions have no chance because their motor paths are blocked and their own full development is dependent upon their possibility of expression.

  30. Another excellent way to overpower a troublesome idea or impulse or emotion is to reƫnforce the opposite idea by breaking open the paths for its motor expression.

  31. This purely physiological operation in our brain paths must thus have exactly the same result which it would have had, if more parts of the process had been accompanied by conscious experience.

  32. As the only popular educational establishment open to the young men of the time, it did good work, many of its pupils having made their mark in the paths of literature, art, and science.

  33. Morgan la Blanche stood by the water and watched Gorlois abjuring the paths and striding towards her, knee-deep in blue and purple.

  34. The paths were tiled with coloured stones, and bordered with helichryse.

  35. One of the easiest paths to Val di Zoldo starts from Alleghe, and has been described by Messrs.

  36. The road down the valley to Feltre is still incomplete; other paths can be learnt of from the 'Alpine Guide.

  37. As the paths cross the crests from glen to glen, the snowy boss of the Antelao or the painted cliffs of the Sorapis tower loftily over the low intervening ridge which divides Zoppe from the Val d'Ampezzo.

  38. We enquired of the master of the house for a porter acquainted with the paths in Val d'Ambies.

  39. Numerous paths wander about their tops, and unless the first left-hand track is taken it is easy to miss the way amongst them.

  40. Yet, though the road was destroyed and the hillside scored in many places by the terrible paths of the rocks and torrents, the general aspect of the landscape was hardly affected.

  41. Hence he may descend into Val Agola, and so to Campiglio, or, turning to the right, wander along shady forest paths to the ridge of the Pra Fiori.

  42. In these valleys the industry of centuries, by building up stone staircases from shelf to shelf, has made paths in the least likely spots.

  43. But to his horror the wind which always sweeps across the Sahara had covered up his tracks, and on the stony paths which he had passed his feet had left no prints.

  44. The zigzag paths which used to run from house to house across the fields to the spring and to the turtle-pond were all grown up.

  45. There yet lingered sufficient light in the heavens to exhibit those bright openings among the tree-tops, where different paths left the clearing to enter the depths of the wilderness.

  46. These licks are great places of resort with the hunters, who waylay their game near the paths that lead to them.

  47. The woods are full of deer paths which run to the streams and licks, places well known to everybody; nor have the geese done their flight to the Canada waters altogether!

  48. There were so many other paths open to her now.

  49. The paths of perpetual virtue are not for me.

  50. It was then that the blossoms began to look a little over-blown, the paths to become monotonous, the bowers to grow oppressive with their heavy sweetness as though a noonday sun beat down changelessly upon them.

  51. There should be a day set apart on which every American should revere the memory of those men of long ago who hewed the way for the soft paths that fall to the generation of today.

  52. And this, too, has been in spite of the fact that often I have been directly in the paths of the various excitements.

  53. These are the maids that wander at eventide in the parks or gardens of the world, or belike in the shady paths of some woodland glade.

  54. The way of the party lay entirely along rough forest-paths which seemed from their appearance, often grown over as they were with branches and creepers, to be but seldom traversed.

  55. There were, it is true, three paths through the forest, which closed in the hamlet on every side except that by which the party had approached it.

  56. They travelled but slowly, more slowly indeed than they had done on the island, for the paths were still rougher, and, in fact, almost undistinguishable.

  57. Paths have now to be cleared with immense labor to the recesses of the forest, in order to obtain a fresh supply.

  58. There are paths and there are plots of flowers, the work of loving hands in recent years.

  59. And the dead leaves rustled in the paths as the wind swept them before it beneath the gloomy sky, and over the naked fields brooded a funereal silence, broken only by the cawing of the crows, presage of a bitter winter.

  60. There were others, and others, and others still, whose torments may not be described, strewing the grass-grown paths in such numbers that the utmost caution was required to avoid treading them under foot.

  61. Then they wandered as long as daylight lasted, wherever the paths they took conducted them.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paths" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.