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Example sentences for "toddler"

Lexicographically close words:
todas; today; toddies; toddle; toddled; toddlers; toddling; toddy; toder; todes
  1. Some years ago," he continued, "when you were a toddler in pinafores, you were taken suddenly ill.

  2. And three days later the young skipper bounded up the path at Ruddy Cove, and the little toddler whom he loved was at the kitchen door to greet him.

  3. And the baby in the crib knew quite as much about it as the toddler in the linsey-woolsey dress, and the toddler knew as much about death as we do today.

  4. But in case you are unable to get into the diner, it is wise to take some simple things for your toddler and yourself to eat.

  5. Many times people will offer to carry your suitcase, to watch one child while you attend to another, to carry your toddler into the dining car, or to keep an eye on your sleeping baby while you go to the rest room.

  6. Babies require many stops, and rest periods for a toddler should be frequent.

  7. This will give you time to select a hotel or tourist room and get the baby or toddler comfortably to sleep by his usual bedtime.

  8. Near the little girls stood a white-headed toddler of about two years and by his side a boy seven or eight years old.

  9. The boy looked down at the toddler beside him and then at the two little girls with weary contempt.

  10. So now in him you behold the baby toddler I spoke of; forced now to stand and toddle alone.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toddler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    babe; baby; child; infant; papoose; suckling; toddler; yearling