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Example sentences for "today"

Lexicographically close words:
tocher; tock; tocsin; toda; todas; toddies; toddle; toddled; toddler; toddlers
  1. I would lend it to you willingly," said the other, "but it so happens that today I cannot give it to you.

  2. Today I will go and hear the fifes, and tomorrow I will go to school," finally decided the young scapegrace, shrugging his shoulders.

  3. A poor father who has lost his son has gone away in a boat to search for him on the other side of the water, and today the sea is tempestuous and the little boat is in danger of sinking.

  4. I would read it willingly, but it so happens that today I don't know how to read.

  5. I also believed it once and today I am suffering for it.

  6. Again today I shall have a splendid feast of fish!

  7. Up to this time I have worked to maintain my papa; from today I will work five hours more that I may also maintain my good mamma.

  8. Between today and tomorrow your five sovereigns would have become two thousand.

  9. Today it is impossible; I will go another day.

  10. So I called our romance to a halt today and drove home in my little green sports-car, feeling a little green and hardly sporty at all.

  11. My strength is as the strength of ten, so I told Anne at noon today that she'll have to find herself a new boy friend.

  12. All too often, a teacher opens the class hour with some such statement as this, "Now, boys and girls, today is Fast Day.

  13. Just today all America is scanning the newspapers throughout the country to find an explanation of the Wall Street explosion.

  14. Furthermore, a glance at the table of contents of this book will reveal the fact that the problems and principles treated herein are just as real today as they were when the text was written.

  15. In the Bible lesson, it would be easy to bridge over from the interests of today to those of Bible days.

  16. Discuss our attitude toward discipline today as compared with the attitude toward it a generation ago.

  17. What is good today likely will be equally good a year or two years hence when we shall face the problem of teaching again today's lesson.

  18. The hydroxy-betaines which Williams prepared in defense of his theory have been repeatedly tested but have in general failed to confirm his view which stands today as an interesting suggestion but without confirmatory evidence.

  19. Today in magazines, newspapers and street car advertisements people are urged to use this or that food or medicament on the plea of its vitamine content.

  20. We are today actually no nearer the goal of identification than we were in 1911 when Funk published his studies on the beri-beri curing type.

  21. But today Plaatje is regarded as a South African literary pioneer, as a not insignificant political actor in his time, and as a cogent commentator on his times.

  22. It has since been republished in more pristine form and is today considered not just the first but one of the very best novels published by a black South African writer in English.

  23. If Isshur does not want you to read the portion of the Law for eighteen weeks on end, you may stare at him from today till tomorrow, or cough until you burst.

  24. Only today his voice is a little husky, and a new tone is to be heard in the old prayers he is chanting.

  25. He was like the fallen snow when I saw him last, and today is like the fallen snow.

  26. And today he is not dealing in timber because something happened to him.

  27. The army craves today a skilful leader; Basmanov send, and firmly bear the murmurs Of the boyars.

  28. Some day, perchance Soon, all the lands which thou so cunningly Today hast drawn on paper, all will come Under thy hand.

  29. My lord Patriarch, I pray thee Go with us to the palace, where today I must converse with thee.

  30. Thy faithful bedesman, one in worldly matters No prudent judge, ventures today to offer His voice to thee.

  31. A message was sent here to me today From Cracow by my nephew Gabriel Pushkin.

  32. Today at dawn the butler of Prince Shuisky And Pushkin's servant brought me information.

  33. How gallantly he charged Today in the last battle, and when wounded, How swiftly bore me.

  34. It apparently was completely removed when the stone tower which stands today was built in 1801.

  35. Today the lighthouse is a white conical tower, with a fog signal house attached, built on Fort Point.

  36. Nothing, however, was ever done to replace the structure and it stands today as it was rebuilt in 1867.

  37. Exploiting vast natural resources and a large labor pool, Brazil is today South America's leading economic power and a regional leader.

  38. Nevertheless, France today is one of the most modern countries in the world and is a leader among European nations.

  39. Today its GDP per capita is 18 times North Korea's and equal to the lesser economies of the European Union.

  40. Pitcairn was the first Pacific island to become a British colony (in 1838) and today remains the last vestige of that empire in the South Pacific.

  41. Today the islands are a national wildlife refuge.

  42. You may have an idea that I've flung my money about; but I havn't: I'm richer today than when I first came into the property.

  43. VIVIE [wincing; then looking at him steadily] Today I know my mother better than you do.

  44. You are shockingly out of condition: you were not able to manage twenty yards uphill today without stopping to pant; and your wrists are mere rolls of fat.

  45. I suppose you understand that when we leave here today our acquaintance ceases.

  46. Dede Antanas had died of the struggle to earn that money--he would have been alive and strong today if he had not had to work in Durham's dark cellars to earn his share.

  47. If you were a Socialist," the hotelkeeper would say, "you would understand that the power which really governs the United States today is the Railroad Trust.

  48. In this connection I find myself thinking about the various modes of travel resorted to in those primitive days, when roads and bridges as we have them today were still far in the future.

  49. Today the same trip can be made in a half week, with every comfort and luxury which money and invention can provide.

  50. The desire of "the great silent majority" is to SAVE the wild creatures; and it is in response to that sentiment that thousands of people are today in the field against the Army of Destruction.

  51. It is indeed fortunate for the wild life of Africa that it has today so powerful a champion and exponent as this author, the warden of the Transvaal Game Preserves.

  52. Indeed, I think that today it would be a mighty good collector who could find one specimen in seven days' hunting.

  53. Today we are anxiously wondering whether the jaw disease of the prong-horn is destined to exterminate the species.

  54. It is the deer of California and western Oregon, and it has been so ruthlessly slaughtered that today it is going fast.

  55. Two others were silently preparing a bamboo bier, showing no signs of anger or sorrow or impatience, for such is the character attributed to the natives: today it is you, tomorrow it will be I, they say to themselves.

  56. Today I've seen for the first time how it is possible for one to be a good Spaniard without ceasing to be a good Filipino and to love his country.

  57. Today I showed their Reverences that we are not all puppets of theirs.

  58. The lawyers of today are being trained in the new forms of the philosophy of law, some of them begin to shine in the midst of the shadows which surround our courts of justice, indicating a change in the course of affairs.

  59. Last night and today I've been bored by requests to play on the piano and by invitations to dance.

  60. Today no one shall walk about, not even God!

  61. Today there arrived from Spain the son of the dead Don Rafael, and he will be a good man like his father.

  62. Since then new tendencies are stirring our spirits, and these tendencies, today scattered, will some day be united, guided by the God who has not failed other peoples and who will not fail us, for His cause is the cause of liberty!

  63. It is true today what Thomasius wrote 1848 with special reference to the Formula: "Numerous as they may be who at present revile our Confession, not one has ever appeared who has refuted its chief propositions from the Bible.

  64. To succeed in business today it is not enough that you should look out for Number One: you must also look out for Number Two.

  65. To the farmers, Armour used to say with stunning truth, "You get more for your produce today than you got before I showed up on the scene; and you get your money on the minute, without haggle or question.

  66. Riggs is today chiefly remembered to fame because he built what in its day was the most palatial hotel in Washington, just as John Jacob Astor was scarcely known outside of his bailiwick until he built that grand hostelry, the Astor House.

  67. Trinity Church with its millions draws an income today from property of a type which Peabody prophesied would not exist in the year Nineteen Hundred.

  68. Let the fact here be stated that the world is better fed today than it ever has been since Herodotus sharpened his faber and began writing history, four hundred fifty years before Christ.

  69. Today one image of the Sphinx, with its riddle--but countless images of Buddha, many of heroic size.

  70. If Mark Twain were alive today I'd be willing to bet him dollars to doughnuts that the dobes had succeeded in breaking stones clear across India with my dress shirts.

  71. I stepped out of my hotel today onto one of Calcutta's best streets, with a pavement twenty feet wide, filled with pedestrians, lined with splendid shops.

  72. I leave town today for Calcutta--that glass of ice water has jarred Rangoon.

  73. This location is marked today by a permanent "in-place" exhibit on the shore near the old church tower.

  74. These pictures remind us that games played by boys and girls today are very similar to those enjoyed by children three centuries ago.

  75. After three centuries the attractive colors still persist; and looking at the colorful beads today you can understand the charm they held for the Indians.

  76. So must this trio thriftily adhere to the accepted customs of their era, and regard an infraction of the Decalogue (for an instance) very much as we today look on a violation of our prohibition enactments.

  77. Today I saw that you were frightened and helpless--oh, quite helpless.

  78. But all this doesn't fit in quite logically with the ivory-handled Colt I see on your hip today for the first time.

  79. And I know positively that Adam Selden and the boys are up north today after a bunch of drifters.

  80. Ride home with us today and stay all night.

  81. Today as he laboured with pick and shovel and bar he was cheerful, though his thoughts clung to the subject of his father's death and the odd situation in which it had left him.

  82. Her dress today was not rugged, as was ordinarily the case when she rode into the hills.

  83. Down there, though, they came under the influence of the old Spanish padres; and today their religion is a mixture of Catholicism and ancient tribal teachings.

  84. Today for the first time I realized that, since Old Man Selden has opened his door to me, it is my place to go to you.

  85. There was a large log house that Adam Selden's father had built in the days of '49, in which the Old Man Selden of today had first opened his eyes on life.

  86. This scheme they carried out, and Peter Drew took up residence with his brown-skinned bride on what is today the Old Ivison Place.

  87. Caught today two of the fish of the same kind as the one taken on the 25th.

  88. The rich flats we were on today have apparently at no distant period formed part of the head of the estuary.

  89. We caught again today many animals of the same family (Glaucus) as those of which a description is given in the journal for the 17th of June.

  90. This sort of Janthina was very abundant; today we caught eight, and saw great numbers of them: yesterday we caught a smaller one of a different species.

  91. We caught today a Portuguese man of war (Physalis) of a very different species from those which we had taken in the Indian ocean.

  92. I observed today that the eel-fish carries its eggs in a bag under the belly; the eggs were of a bright red colour.

  93. This fish today put out the apparatus with which it swam.

  94. We caught today a great number of the animals (Glaucus) I have mentioned above as having been taken on the 17th of June, as well as on other occasions.

  95. Today in April in the vivid grass They flash again their laughter, pink and yellow, They wake before the frosty sunbeams pass, Gay bold to leave their chilly pillow.

  96. I was always hoping that the light swift step would stop at my door; but the fairy had today too much to do, and with all, I thought, had probably forgotten me.

  97. The strange far-off oriental words which today scholars discuss, theosophists manipulate, and charlatans employ as catchpennies were common words in the every-day speech of the Hindu people, two or three thousand years ago.

  98. Furthermore, this reverence for the dead profoundly influenced and modified Buddhism, so that today the altars of both religions exist in the same house, the dead ancestors becoming both kami and buddhas.

  99. The rule of travel was: The train having the advance today should go to the rear tomorrow, and so on.

  100. The palace coaches that cross the old trail today pulled by the smoke-choked engines of the A.

  101. The Indians of today are possessed with the same ambitions as the whites.

  102. But today he occupies the place of a double martyr.

  103. And I bear testimony today that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

  104. This makes the kind of oratory which obtains in the Church of Christ today resemble closely that which existed in the Church among the first Christians.

  105. The Almighty is not anxious to reap results today from promises He laid down yesterday.

  106. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "today" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.