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Example sentences for "comfortably"

Lexicographically close words:
comets; comfit; comfits; comfort; comfortable; comforte; comforted; comforter; comforters; comforteth
  1. I have obtained my father's leave to learn drawing and German, and as soon as our house is a little more comfortably settled, I shall begin both.

  2. My brother had gone off to Gibraltar previously to all this, to take measures for facilitating their landing; he is now quietly and I hope comfortably wintering there.

  3. Dick and Gordon got the last car back to Clearfield, both comfortably tired and sleepy, and Gordon walked home with Dick.

  4. But in the end Tom tricked him into a high fly that settled comfortably into Pete Robey's glove, and again the sky cleared.

  5. But there he stayed while the next two batsmen fell before Tom's slants and a third sent up a short fly that settled comfortably into Pete Robey's hands and brought the game to an end.

  6. Mrs. Brent was a short, comfortably stout lady with soft, quiet manners and a voice to match.

  7. As a matter of fact, it took five, and Gordon was established comfortably on the horse-block in front of the gate when Lanny returned.

  8. Gordon vanished with that, and Dick leaned comfortably back in the runabout to wait.

  9. Mr. Merrick was a lawyer and comfortably well-to-do.

  10. Mr. Douaine was leaning back in an armchair, comfortably sipping his second glass of iced tea, when Gretel returned.

  11. Accordingly, she curled herself up comfortably on the library sofa, and in a very few minutes had fallen into a comfortable nap.

  12. Through the centre runs a broad passage, and on the left and right are large parlours, comfortably furnished, divided by folding doors of carved walnut.

  13. IT was seven days after the sailing of the Maggy Bell, as described in the foregoing chapter, that Montague was seen sitting in the comfortably furnished parlour of a neat cottage in the suburbs of Nassau.

  14. The vender puffs his weed very coolly the while; and then, calling a negro servant, orders a chair upon which to comfortably place his feet.

  15. When I get them comfortably cared for, Clotilda, I will send for you.

  16. She had had one little girl at the beginning of her married life, who had lived, and was now at Wenderholme, comfortably sleeping in the prettiest of little beds, in a large and healthy nursery in the left wing of the building.

  17. Colonel asked, when the three were comfortably seated in Mr. Stedman's easy-chairs.

  18. The deck cabin being free from water, the party were far more comfortably off than they would have been on shore.

  19. I suspect that they would rather remain comfortably on shore.

  20. The little hands were firmly drawn from their pressure upon the tearful eyes, tucked comfortably under a new, strong arm, and the widow's little baronry stitched to a new sleeve.

  21. I took to my bed in the two-roomed thatched hut where I had been comfortably established, and sent for a gallon of rum.

  22. In the dim parlor a girl sat at the cracked marble centre-table weeping comfortably and eating gum-drops.

  23. We got comfortably to the anchorage about half-past eleven o'clock, and so ended our second journey in.

  24. When we were clear of them I lighted a match, and to my horror found that I was comfortably lounging on a coffin.

  25. William settled himself comfortably across his master's knees and in two minutes was snoring softly.

  26. He placed his chair where he had her full in view, not too near, yet comfortably so for conversation.

  27. Anthony hated a garden where you couldn't sit comfortably and smoke, wheresoever the prospect was pleasing.

  28. He took her to his rooms in a quiet terrace behind the promenade and comfortably near his club.

  29. Let you and little Fay go swanking down the village if you like, but why can't you leave Tony and me to potter comfortably in our old clothes?

  30. Shortly after Charlie had been comfortably established in Constance's dressing room, Uncle John Roland had appeared at the stage door of the theatre, his placid face filled with genuine alarm.

  31. Tell me now," coaxed Marjorie, snuggling comfortably into the hollow of the protecting arm.

  32. A few minutes, and she was comfortably housed in the cell.

  33. And so, in a little, being now most comfortably armed, we made inland towards the nearer black hill, in very good spirits.

  34. The proprietor and his wife talked comfortably about the duties of the next day, called some directions to the two boys in the puppy tent, soothed their mosquito bites with a lotion and got them another blanket.

  35. He produced a gorgeous box of bonbons and arranged himself comfortably for the afternoon, while Wainwright's brow grew darker and his lips pouted out farther and farther under his petted little moustache.

  36. A man could never lie down comfortably with it on, and if from sheer exhaustion he fell asleep he awoke with his back aching tortures.

  37. All the stoicism which he had learned by forced marches, starvations, and battles was insufficient, or was not of the proper kind, to sustain him comfortably under the torture inflicted by his supposed discovery.

  38. She is very comfortably off, considering the circumstances.

  39. He lighted a cigar, which he smoked as he wrote, sipping his coffee comfortably from time to time.

  40. In the midst of all these new, confusing thoughts, sleep overpowered her; she stretched herself out comfortably upon the soft couch.

  41. Ernestine nestled comfortably among the yielding cushions, and the fragrant breeze stroked her cheek like a gentle, caressing hand.

  42. I therefore invited Macco to descend, that we might rest more comfortably in my cavern.

  43. We agreed, indeed, that it was now time to begin a hut, in which we could sit more comfortably during the evening, and which would shelter us from the rains, which I knew were likely to occur before long.

  44. I hope it was one of those sneaking Comanches, and, if so, he deserves it for keeping me here on the ground in the rain, when I ought to be snoozing comfortably in a wagon.

  45. The wagons were already in a hollow square, and the wounded, at least twenty in number, laid comfortably in the wagons, were receiving the rude but effective treatment of the border.

  46. He lay comfortably among the leaves, and for a long time he did not stir.

  47. He sat on one of the skins, leaned comfortably against the wall, and contemplated his younger brother.

  48. They were too tired to light a fire, but they ate heartily of the cold food, and then lay back comfortably on the blankets.

  49. I paused once to light a cigar, and went on again, hither and thither, unheedingly; but at last I entered one of the Turkish nooks and composed myself comfortably among the cushions.

  50. He smiled comfortably to himself as he sat smoking his pipe, and made fresh plans.

  51. Steve ventured to stretch his legs comfortably under the table and turn his head to regard the occupants of the tables at the far end of the hall.

  52. He lay stretched out comfortably along the rail, paying little attention to the boat and thinking of many things.

  53. Oliver settled himself comfortably beside a window, opened his book, but did not immediately begin to read.

  54. It forms one of an amphitheatre of queer-shaped mountains, at the foot of which nestles comfortably the capital of the island.

  55. I was now comfortably dressed, but as I had no right to wear a naval uniform, I was anxious to get a suit of plain clothes as soon as possible.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comfortably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    easily; handily; nice; peacefully; well