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Example sentences for "tortuously"

Lexicographically close words:
tortoise; tortoises; tortoiseshell; torts; tortuous; torture; tortured; torturer; torturers; tortures
  1. Thou (Agni) art laid hold off with difficulty, like the young of tortuously twining snakes, thou who art a consumer of many forests as a beast is of fodder.

  2. A great black lliana stretches tortuously from the earth up to the crown, where its head is buried among the tufted leaves, as if it were some huge dragon in the act of devouring its victim.

  3. As the stream leaves Gondokoro it flows tortuously on, winding first to the northwest, then turning to the northeast, during its journey of five hundred miles.

  4. The river flows on to Khartoom, where it is joined by the Blue Nile, which has been tortuously working a passage for itself through the highlands of Abyssinia.

  5. When the spermatic veins are over-distended to such an extent that their tonicity is impaired, they gradually lose their capacity for transmitting the blood, and a slowly increasing enlargement and tortuously of veins results.

  6. Excretory ducts uniting to form a tube which tortuously perforates the cuticle at 3, and opens obliquely on its surface at 4.

  7. They crawled tortuously over the square to the space ship.

  8. Weaponless and helpless, Brand crawled slowly back before the tortuously advancing mob, keeping close enough to them to be shielded from the tubes of the rear guards.

  9. A narrow path, strewn with pine needles, led tortuously up to the door.

  10. Some three hours later he walked briskly along a narrow path strewn with pine needles, which led tortuously up to an old colonial farmhouse.

  11. The road is good but hilly, and for several kilometres, before reaching Saverne, winds its way among the pine forests tortuously and steeply down from the elevated divide.

  12. The road now winds tortuously along the base of some low gravel hills, and the wheeling perceptibly improves; beyond Nikbey it strikes across the hilly country, and more trundling becomes necessary.

  13. For several miles the road winds tortuously over a range of low, stony hills, the surface being generally loose and unridable.

  14. The channel wound tortuously through the rattling mass, the slight motion of the water made by the canoe caused the canes to rattle.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tortuously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.