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Example sentences for "trigonometry"

Lexicographically close words:
triglyphs; trigo; trigonal; trigonometric; trigonometrical; trike; trilinear; trilingual; triliteral; trilithon
  1. For fifteen minutes or more Dick made a pretense of studying his trigonometry hard.

  2. On the other hand, a boy who has been grounded well in algebra, geometry and trigonometry may then easily enter the office of a practicing civil engineer and begin with the tools of the profession.

  3. Plane trigonometry, the branch of trigonometry in which its principles are applied to plane triangles.

  4. Analytical trigonometry, that branch of trigonometry which treats of the relations and properties of the trigonometrical functions.

  5. Plane trigonometry, and Spherical trigonometry, those branches of trigonometry in which its principles are applied to plane triangles and spherical triangles respectively.

  6. Defn: The doctrine of polygons; an extension of some of the principles of trigonometry to the case of polygons.

  7. The course of instruction which was to be given, comprised the first elements of mathematics, elementary geometry, the first elements of rectilinear trigonometry and the first elements of statics, &c.

  8. For staff and regimental officers the main requisite demanded seems to be a practical knowledge of trigonometry as required for surveying.

  9. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; Solution of Triangles; application of Trigonometry to Surveying.

  10. It may be remarked that Descriptive Geometry might supply the place of spherical trigonometry by a graphical construction, but the degree of exactitude of the differences of level thus obtained would be insufficient.

  11. ABEL FLINT, System of Geometry and Trigonometry together with a Treatise of Surveying (Hartford: Olive D.

  12. A second developed a trigonometry of sines to replace the Ptolemaic trigonometry of chords.

  13. The Rhind mathematical papyrus in the British Museum is the main source of our present knowledge of early Egyptian arithmetic, geometry, and of what might be called their trigonometry and algebra.

  14. You ought to see him explaining trigonometry on the blackboard.

  15. But when a girl can work out trigonometry at sight, what use can she possibly have for marriage?

  16. We find that geometry was neglected except in so far as it was of service to astronomy; trigonometry was advanced, and algebra improved far beyond the attainments of Diophantus.

  17. It thus came about that while some progress was made in algebra, the talents of the race were bestowed on astronomy and trigonometry (q.

  18. As it is, our trigonometry being founded on the circle, [pi] first appears as the ratio stated.

  19. He got out an edition of the Elements of Euclid in 1776, with an appendix on trigonometry and a set of tables.

  20. I tried to study a few works on trigonometry and surveying during the winter, but it was a little difficult," he said.

  21. It would, she admitted, certainly be a little difficult to study trigonometry in such surroundings.

  22. In fact, a few who have never had trigonometry make a conspicuous success in physics.

  23. So, too, one often analyzes the sequence of chapters in an advanced algebra or a trigonometry and fails to discover the governing rationale.

  24. It would be highly desirable that a course of collegiate grade in trigonometry should immediately precede the physics.

  25. To keep them out because of failure to have had a prerequisite course in trigonometry often works an unnecessary hardship.

  26. This is not because the details of trigonometry are all needed in physics.

  27. Trigonometry rapidly became a hopeless tangle to her; Ancient History a stupid jumble of unrelated dates.

  28. He learned that trigonometry and algebra were not really meaningless mental gymnastics, but a purposeful science that guided men upon trackless seas.

  29. The news spread even to the Midshipmen's Schoolplace, and the Naval Instructor found straightway that to all intents and purposes he was lecturing on Spherical Trigonometry to deaf adders.

  30. Arithmetic is a most useful, and I was going to say necessary thing to be known by men in all stations; and a little trigonometry does no harm.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trigonometry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.