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Example sentences for "tutors"

Lexicographically close words:
tutor; tutored; tutoress; tutorial; tutoring; tutorship; tutta; tutte; tutti; tutto
  1. He was carefully educated by excellent tutors under the watchful eyes of his parents.

  2. Schoppe often ridiculed tutors of much information and manners, when they assumed he educated anything out of Albano or into him.

  3. The university took responsibility for the student's morals and behavior and tutors sometimes whipped the undergraduates.

  4. It was through the tutors that modern studies fit for the education of a Renaissance gentleman became the norm.

  5. They had not then the dainty things That commons now afford, But succotash and hominy Were smoking on the board; They did not rattle round in gigs, Or dash in long-tailed blues, But always on Commencement days The tutors blacked their shoes.

  6. John thought of his mother who had left him to the care of tutors and schools while she led a wandering, unhappy, invalid life.

  7. There had been many tutors and only twice long residence at schools in Vevey and for a winter in Budapest.

  8. Parents and tutors are always telling their sons and their wards that they are to be just; but why?

  9. Is it necessary to speak of the numberless convents where girls of all classes are thoroughly educated, and in which the teachers, were they men, would shine as college tutors and holders of professional chairs?

  10. The young women whose brothers had tutors at home were fortunate.

  11. Besides and in default of these, tutors dativi were appointed by the magistrates.

  12. Tutors who held office in virtue of a general law were called legitimi.

  13. The various feudal lords also attracted these scholars to their side, employed them as tutors for their children, and entrusted them with the conduct of sacrifices and festivals.

  14. Even in the time of K'ang-hsi the Manchus began to forget Manchurian; they brought tutors to court to teach the young Manchus Chinese.

  15. In some of the richest and best endowed universities, the tutors content themselves with teaching a few unconnected shreds and parcels of this corrupted course; and even these they commonly teach very negligently and superficially.

  16. When his Lordship was struck blind before the house that held the ashes of his beloved, his whole correspondence with England, with the niece and with the tutors of the princely children, was embarrassed, or at least changed.

  17. Noblemen and gentlemen were prohibited from entertaining the ejected clergy of their own Church as chaplains or tutors of their children.

  18. Nay, I hear that some colleges have even gone so far as to appoint one, or, maybe, two special tutors for the purpose of putting the facts and principles of physical science before the undergraduate mind.

  19. Countryman Linacer taught it him, being just returned from Italy with great Skill in that Language: Which Linacer and William Grocyne were the two only Tutors that were able to teach it.

  20. Oh tutors and parents, there are such things as asses in the world.

  21. Of these, more or less must have been going on all over England, by private tutors at home, or in the houses of the latter.

  22. Tutors are sensible of this; but they throw the blame upon their pupils--"You might have learned your lesson in half the time, if you had chosen it.

  23. I shall have to teach you something your tutors and dons seem to have forgotten, and that is, manners, fellow!

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tutors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.