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Example sentences for "twanging"

Lexicographically close words:
twaine; twal; twam; twang; twanged; twangling; twangs; twant; twanty; twar
  1. Among these was this twanging bow with its light shaft, better fitted for a child's plaything than for real work among men.

  2. He found that the string twanged joyously, and, to the delight of Beechleaf, kept twanging it for such time as his boyish temperament would allow a single occupation.

  3. The humming of bees drunk with the fragrance of flowers, fell on the ear, like the twanging of Cupid's bow as he strung it.

  4. Talking is like playing on the harp; there is as much in laying the hand on the strings to stop their vibrations as in twanging them to bring out their music.

  5. Some of them seemed to be blowing a flageolet; others drew their bows across their violins; some played the fife; while here and there might be heard grum twangs, like the twanging of bass-viol strings.

  6. There are clusters of winter birds sporting in this temple, and occasionally one breaks forth with a note or two of her last June's song, as though she were just twanging her harp to try its strings.

  7. Then he blew his shell making the down of his adversaries stand erect; and twanging his bow-string, and striking his arms with the hands he unnerved all the creatures.

  8. They were even outnumbered, since all the archers in the wooden forts fore and aft, twanging their deadly bows almost in safety, counted against the bewildered boarders.

  9. But it may be, if thou art in a press, thou wilt be pleased to hear at thy side the twanging of the good bows of Longwood and Wartmont.

  10. But when Miss Estill's dainty fingers rippled over the guitar, and their voices blended with varying degrees of melody as its twanging notes mingled with the mellow tones of the piano, then something like harmony prevailed again.

  11. Under us--threshing and twanging Torn-up roots of the Song.

  12. The endless refrain went on and on sillily, mingled with the twanging of the citharas and boisterous laughter.

  13. He set the strings of his lute a-twanging and began-- "Clear crystal bowl.

  14. Returning to the large pulperia, we found the violin and guitar screaming and twanging away under the piazza, where they had been all day.

  15. The musicians were still there, upon their platform, scraping and twanging away, and a few people, apparently of the lower classes, were dancing.

  16. Beside the firing of long guns and the twanging of the ginbri the chief business of the day seemed to be begging.

  17. I heard the twanging of the strings her fingers plucked.

  18. About moonrise Lance strolled down the road, and by way of defending himself from the importunities of Ola's conversation, if one might guess, kept his banjo twanging persistently.

  19. The banjo hung within easy reach of his fingers; he took off his old hat and tucked it under his arm, striking now and again as he went a twanging chord.

  20. Again silence, punctuated by the aimless twanging of the banjo strings, the little sounds from the summer world without, the quick, light tapping of Callista's feet and the little whisper of her skirts as she moved about her task.

  21. I think it's your duty to, duty to, dute," hummed Lance to a twanging accompaniment from the strings.

  22. Within, hearken as she might, the silence was unbroken, till suddenly across it cut, with a sharp pang of melody, the twanging of banjo strings.

  23. Defn: A sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang.

  24. Defn: To cause to make a sharp twanging sound; to twang, or twangle.

  25. He plucked with difficulty the arrows out of the woodwork in which they had been plunged, and with an immense twanging of catgut sent them high into the air, until they were suddenly lost to our sight in the far beyond.

  26. It came from straight off the chest, without any nervous nasal twanging or sudden stopping.

  27. Sara Juke straightened, with every nerve in her body twanging like a plucked violin-string, and her eyes met the clear eyes of the young clerk.

  28. Miriam's small teeth met in a small click, her voice lay under careful control and as if each nerve was twanging like a plucked violin string.

  29. To cause to make a sharp twanging sound; to twang, or twangle.

  30. A sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang.

  31. Their frowsy heads protruded from every window, and from within came drunken shouts, the thumping of feet, and the twanging of harps.

  32. Illustration] Then by-and-by he knew that the princess was coming, for suddenly there was the sound of girls’ voices singing and the twanging of stringed instruments.

  33. All that day was feasting and drinking and merry-making, and the twinging and twanging of music, and dancing of beautiful dancing-girls, and such things as Selim had never heard tell of in all his life before.

  34. Something faintly sonorous there was in his soul, and it vibrated to the twanging of the strings.

  35. Leander was not here; probably had never been here; and the twanging of those strings had lured him to his fate.

  36. He paused; the twanging of Captain Carteret's banjo bridged the interval imperturbably.

  37. Thereafter came Roger, stooping as he ran, and shouting: "Archers!

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twanging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.