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Example sentences for "unimpressed"

Lexicographically close words:
unimpeded; unimportance; unimportant; unimposing; unimpregnated; unimpressionable; unimpressive; unimproved; uninclosed; unincorporated
  1. That royal family left her unimpressed and certainly unrevering.

  2. Pollyooly observed this terror with the unimpressed eye of a connoisseur.

  3. The Socialist or Labor Party man is appallingly narrow and totally unimpressed with the need for intelligence to rule the State.

  4. Jack was quite unimpressed by the question of whether the giant was a particularly gigantic giant.

  5. Hopelessly unimpressed by the whole transaction, the natives took down the flag during the night, and for a long time afterwards the ruling chieftains wore it about their persons as a badge of royalty.

  6. She alone, during that period of enchantment, remained unimpressed and obdurate.

  7. Had June been told that ground-rent on Ludgate Hill is so many pounds sterling a square inch, she would have been totally unimpressed and possibly bored.

  8. At the bottom of his heart he shared Patricia's regret that the Stapylton pedigree was unadorned by a potentate, because nobody can stay unimpressed by a popular superstition, however crass the thing may be.

  9. Watermelon, unimpressed by the aspect of the affair as it struck the others.

  10. And where," asked Teacher, still carefully unimpressed "did you get it?

  11. It must not be supposed for an instant that the City of Edelweiss and the court of Graustark was unimpressed by the swift approach and abrupt arrival of Mr. Blithers.

  12. The footman was so unimpressed by the name of Merriwether that Tom experienced a new sensation, one which made him less sure of his own powers.

  13. To show that he was unimpressed by vast wealth he added, sternly, "No trouble, you understand!

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unimpressed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blase; calm; composed; cool; expected; expecting; lackadaisical; unaffected; unawed; unimpressed; uninspired; unmoved; unruffled; untouched