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Example sentences for "urines"

Lexicographically close words:
urinated; urinates; urinating; urination; urine; uriniferous; urinogenital; urinous; urit; urn
  1. Toxic ptomaine bases have been found in the urines of a large number of diseases.

  2. As a general rule, the urines are always more or less toxic.

  3. It is self-evident, and it has already been shown, that the toxicity of the urines varies greatly according to the malady, in consequence of the elimination of toxins by the urines.

  4. Bouchard[78] was the first to recognize that the toxicity of the urines is due to a number of causes.

  5. Moreover, the toxicity of the urines is considerably augmented the moment there is the least febrile condition, no matter what the cause is.

  6. We find these mineral salts particularly abundant under normal conditions in the urines of the herbivora.

  7. According to Bouchard, in infectious maladies the urines are twelve times more highly charged with toxins than is blood serum.

  8. Thus, for example, the urines eliminated during sleep are less active than those produced during waking, because during sleep the elimination of cellular poisons is at a minimum.

  9. In the case of ordinary diabetic urines the best dilution is one in ten.

  10. In urines containing pus, the clear portion should always be examined for albumen, since where this is found, except in small amount, some form of kidney disease may be suspected.

  11. This method is inserted for urines containing sugar and albumen.

  12. In addition to the substances in solution all urines contain various microscopic structures.

  13. Urines which contain notable amounts of hemoglobin have a reddish or brown color, and may deposit a sediment of brown, granular pigment.

  14. They are most useful when the urines obtained from separate kidneys by segregation or ureteral catheterization are compared.

  15. In pale urines this sediment is almost white.

  16. Upon the other hand, cloudy urines with abundant sediment are often shown by the microscope to contain nothing of clinical significance.

  17. The earthy phosphates are thrown out of solution in most alkaline and many neutral urines as a white, amorphous sediment, which may be mistaken for pus macroscopically.

  18. Uric acid exists in the urine in the form of urates, which in concentrated urines are readily thrown out of solution and constitute the familiar sediment of "amorphous urates.

  19. Urines which respond to Gerhardt's reaction in a marked degree yield aceton on distillation, but aceton or an aceton-yielding substance may be present in considerable quantity without response of the urine to Gerhardt's test.

  20. Hence all albumen should be precipitated and filtered out of urines suspected to contain sugar, and the heat applied should not be too great.

  21. The varying conditions of these three urines clearly pointed to intense congestion of the chylopoietic viscera, of a transient and periodic character.

  22. I have found two Urines not much unlike differ two and twenty Grains in the quantity of about four or five Ounces: But let them that make these Essays weigh all their Urines when cold, lest they be thereby deceiv'd.

  23. Yet I have begun afresh; for there are more signal Variations in the Weights of Urines than one would at first imagin; and when the Eye can discover little, but judge two Urines to be alike, they may be found to differ very much as to Weight.

  24. In albuminous urines it is very likely that they would live better, and it is possible that the luminous urines reported are the results of luminous bacterial infection.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "urines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.