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Example sentences for "withouten"

Lexicographically close words:
withinne; withinside; withoot; without; withoute; withowt; withs; withstand; withstande; withstanding
  1. Ther wer knyghtes and senatowres, Emerawdes of gret vertues, To wyte withouten wene, Deamondes and koralle, Perydotes and crystall, And gode garnettes bytwene.

  2. And whan thei chesen another prelate, zif he be a gode man and worthi to be prelate, his lampe schal lighte, with the grace of God, withouten touchinge of ony man.

  3. Sire kyng, zee schulle have werre withouten pees, and alle weys to the 9 degree, zee schulle ben in subjeccioun to zoure enemyes; and zee schulle ben nedy of alle godes.

  4. And zit there is at Alizandre a faire chirche, alle white withouten peynture: and so ben alle the othere chirches, that weren of the Cristene men, alle white with inne.

  5. Also besyde Cayre, withouten that cytee, is the feld where bawme growethe: and it cometh out on smale trees, that ben non hyere than a mannes breek girdle: and thei semen as wode that is of the wylde vyne.

  6. And alle tho ben at his wages: and thei ben alle weys at him, withouten the folke of his contree, that is withouten nombre.

  7. In that contree been white hennes withouten fetheres: but thei beren white wolle, as scheep don here.

  8. For withouten doubte, I am non other than thou seest now, a woman; and therfore drede the noughte.

  9. And there is so meche multytude of that folk, that thei ben withouten nombre.

  10. And the comoun peple, that wolde putte here bodyes and here catelle, for to conquere oure heritage, thei may not don it withouten the lordes.

  11. Now reigneth pride in price, and covetise is counted wise, and lechery withouten shame, and gluttony withouten blame.

  12. And yet withouten squire or page, Sir Galahad's armour shone like the moon.

  13. I could say nay to this, and ay to that, withouten headache.

  14. And I tell you, father, that were both bread and wine charged with direst poison before his holiness had consecrated them, yet after consecration I would take them both withouten fear.

  15. For, alack, their smell it is fled with the summer; and only their fair bodyes lie withouten soul, in tomb of clay, awaiting resurrection.

  16. Withouten further speech, we hoise our saile to sea: Minding a friendlier place to seech, and thus we part our way.

  17. Then entreth one withall into this Frenchman's top, Who cuts ech rope, and makes to fall his yard, withouten stop.

  18. Yea, for our lady's sake, sir, I beseech you spare him not, For it is some false knave withouten doubt.

  19. Mother Rebecca, if withouten fraud I might, I would your advice put in ure with all my heart, But I may not attempt any such guileful part.

  20. Yet were no palace chambers, nor no halls; In caves and in woodes soft and sweet Slepten this blessed folk withouten walls.

  21. As when that Nero brente[399] the city Of Rome, crieden senatores wives For that their husbands losten all hir lives; Withouten guilt this Nero hath hem slain.

  22. One daughter hadde they betwixt them two Of twenty year, withouten any mo, Saving a child that was of half year age, In cradle it lay, and was a proper page.

  23. Now with his love, now in his colde grave Al one, withouten any company.

  24. She was a worthy woman all her live, Husbands at the church door had she had five, Withouten other company in youth; But thereof needeth not to speak as nouth*.

  25. Another soon down from his horse he bare, Stamped to ground, and drown'd withouten mair.

  26. Withouten this the shame would be the less.

  27. Give unto us this day our daily manna, Withouten which in this rough wilderness Backward goes he who toils most to advance.

  28. And he to me: "This miserable mode Maintain the melancholy souls of those Who lived withouten infamy or praise.

  29. God's lofty fiat would be violated, If Lethe should be passed, and if such viands Should tasted be, withouten any scot Of penitence, that gushes forth in tears.

  30. Minstrils gin to shrill aloud Their merry Musick that resounds from far, The pipe, the tabor, and the trembling Croud, That well agree withouten breach or jar.

  31. This one hath won him wealth withouten work; * Albe appeared he garbed in penury.

  32. Withouten witing of any other wight.

  33. His dogges barkyth, so that withouten fayle The hole churche is troubled by theyr outrage So innocent youth lernyth the same of age And theyr lewde sounde doth the churche fyll.

  34. Gyue praysynge to god / whiche is euer pyteous & mercyfull in worlde withouten ende Amen.

  35. Iesu / to the be laude and praysynge worlde withouten end.

  36. IX There stayed the champions both with rueful eyes, Argantes gan the fortress won to view; Tancred his foe withouten shield espies, And said, "Whereon doth thy sad heart devise?

  37. I aims ter go dry fer all time--an' I kain't hardly compass hit withouten ye upholds me.

  38. Hit's most gin'rally when I'm plumb sick of livin' on hyar withouten no chance ter better myself.

  39. Ye knows thet withouten ye weds her, folks will tell lies an' she won't never be able ter hold up her head--ner smile again.

  40. We dronken, and to reste wenten eche on, Withouten any lenger tarying.

  41. Thus John gat Robin Hood out of prison, Certain withouten layn; When his men saw him whole and sound, For sooth they were full fain.

  42. When Robin came to Nottingham, Certainly withouten layn, He prayed to God and mild Mary To bring him out safe again.

  43. And when they had supped well, Certayne withouten lease, Cloudesle sayd, ‘We wyll to our kyng, To get us a charter of peace.

  44. Syr, we be outlawes of the forest Certayne withouten lease; And hyther we be come to our kyng, To get us a charter of peace.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "withouten" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.