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Example sentences for "work for"

  • He said that Colonel Scott was an allright man to work for, but that he'd only seen him once since he'd been on the job.

  • In my second year I had to work for a month or two to pass the Little-Go, which I did easily.

  • I am now preparing my work for publication, but I find the subject so very large, that though I have written many chapters, I do not suppose I shall go to press for two years.

  • We used to laugh at him, and say he would not believe in his sons, because, for instance, he would be a little doubtful about their taking some bit of work for which he did not feel sure that they had knowledge enough.

  • It were not a work for puisnes and novices.

  • When a man employs a laborer to work for him, .

  • A variety of appliqu\'82 work for quilts, table covers, etc.

  • To exert one's self; to work for a certain end.

  • A fortification, or work for defense; a fort.

  • They are not bound to work for us; and these ladies, I suppose, pay them in cash.

  • Yes; to fish to any person, or to work at any kind of work for which we have a mind.

  • Are you bound to work for Mr. Bruce as well as to fish for him?

  • Do you find that the women here are anxious to work for you?

  • It is publicly known that the proprietor will want the boys of the tenantry to work for him.

  • The difference was of great importance to me, but if I could not get two dollars, I was glad to get one; and so I went to work for Mr. French as a common laborer.

  • Sierra Leone being a crown colony, the English could land all their captives there and provide for them until they were able to work for themselves.

  • I pledge my life to hers; and promise to defend her from all evil, to shelter her, to work for her, and to guard her with such tenderness as shall not fail!

  • Have you not patience to wait for that, and faith to work for it?

  • But your political leaders, ever at work for themselves, misread these words for you, even as your priests misread Christ's Gospel.

  • But suppose your prayer should be answered and I'd go clean broke and have to work for day's wages?

  • I've got you, and my strength to work for you, and that little ranch in Sonoma.

  • Number three, your reason is that folks will talk because you work for me.

  • Why, he had doubled his fortune, made fifteen millions, since the day she first came to work for him, and behold, any willingness to marry him she might have possessed had diminished as his money had increased.

  • He owned, indeed, that the savages had made the basket-work for him.

  • If I went to work for my family, as you put it, I would have been a glorified beancounter.

  • I use it to write a lot of my stories and then I can send the story to the computer at work for an overdiligent editor to make it fit within my allotted space.

  • Then it would be pleasant to work for such a man and make his home comfortable for him.

  • I've left my work for weeks, and spent a sight of money to see that my sister got her rights, and, by thunder!

  • You wouldn't care to work for me--to help rebuild the wreckage you've helped create?

  • Here read this and see if you'd care to work for me.

  • I wouldn't like to work for a man who permitted such things.

  • We'll just clem them to death first; and see who'll work for 'em then.

  • Belding claimed there was gold in the arroyos, gold in the gulches, not in quantities to make a prospector rejoice, but enough to work for.

  • You'll simply be my ranger, same as Laddy and Jim, who have promised to work for me.

  • In this emergence, he hired out to work for a man a month for five dollars, which was at the rate of about one shilling a day.

  • He therefore engaged to work for a man by the name of John Gray, for twenty-five cents a day.

  • As to the hope of product, I have said that Nature compels us to work for that.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "work for" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dried grass; excellent good; gambling house; human labour; military capacity; pound sugar; slight sketch; three words; work cited; work entitled; work from; work hard; work miracles; work shall; work till; work upon; work was; work with; worked hard; working class; working drawings; working girl; working girls; working order; working people; working together