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Example sentences for "abstention"

Lexicographically close words:
abstaining; abstains; absteine; abstemious; abstemiousness; abstentions; abstinence; abstinences; abstinent; abstract
  1. This population regarded religion only as the pretext for public ceremonials and entertainments; it was scornful of the Jewish abstention from these things, and was aroused to the bitterest hatred by the social aloofness of their neighbors.

  2. Farewell the grizzled bones and the mixed drinks, That made abstention virtue--O, farewell!

  3. His abstention on this head has been attributed by his detractors to physical cowardice, and it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that there was some truth in this.

  4. Other practices followed by savages before going to war forbid one assuming that this abstention is due to any rational fear of dissipating their energies.

  5. Abstention from food and other bodily privations produce similar results.

  6. Now in this case the tribunal was strictly within its rights under the Concordia and its abstention from excommunication and interdict indicates how thoroughly it was humbled.

  7. The choice lay between disavowal on the one hand, and on the other abstention from proclaiming truths by which only society could gain the freedom it so much needed; between strict anonymity and leaving the darkness unbroken.

  8. The nobility of the social theories of the Society of Friends would naturally stir Voltaire even more deeply than their abstention from practices that were in his eyes degrading superstitions.

  9. Abstention from labour is not only a honorific or meritorious act, but it presently comes to be a requisite of decency.

  10. The most imperative of these secondary demands of emulation, as well as the one of widest scope, is the requirement of abstention from productive work.

  11. Abstention from labour is the convenient evidence of wealth and is therefore the conventional mark of social standing; and this insistence on the meritoriousness of wealth leads to a more strenuous insistence on leisure.

  12. So, then, wherever wasteful expenditure and the show of abstention from effort is normally, or on an average, carried to the extent of showing obvious discomfort or voluntarily induced physical disability.

  13. In the later and farther development of the pecuniary culture, the requirement of withdrawal from the industrial process in order to avoid social odium is carried so far as to comprise abstention from the emulative employments.

  14. This observance is designed to augment the prestige of the fact of labor, by the archaic, predatory method of a compulsory abstention from useful effort.

  15. What was learned was how to make oneself indispensable to these powers, and so to put oneself in a position to ask, or even to require, their intercession in the course of events or their abstention from interference in any given enterprise.

  16. Thus the clergy were gradually separated from the people, or laity, by differences in dress, by their celibate lives, and by their abstention from worldly occupations.

  17. We may define this to mean abstention from all corporeal satisfactions except such as are indispensable for the maintenance of life.

  18. There are many things from which the soul is bidden to abstain, such as theft, adultery, and so on, which it desires, and abstention from which causes it pain.

  19. To live without all these would be miserable enough even if one could not help it, as prisoners cannot, for instance; it is far more so if the abstention is forced upon a man by himself; it is then sheer madness.

  20. Abstention from definition, and suspension of judgement, were the guiding principles of the school.

  21. They have a tribal panchayat or committee which imposes penalties for social offences, one punishment being the abstention from meat for a fixed period.

  22. The abstention from conjugal intimacy while engaged in some important business is a very common phenomenon.

  23. The Arabs explain their abstention from wine by an act of the Prophet forbidding its use.

  24. Among the Arab indigènes to-day, one remarks an almost total abstention from the "wine when it is red.

  25. The influence was helpful, for the abstention was real, and the distaste grew always more rooted as time wore on.

  26. Abstention from this dissipation now added a few weekly shillings to the great adventure fund.

  27. Pulse, abstention from; use of, by the Trallians.

  28. Only that man, who, though transitory, betakes himself to the eternal path (of the religion of Nivritti or abstention from all acts) succeeds in avoiding birth and death.

  29. Acts include abstention from food and sports and amusements, abstention from all kinds of work having only worldly objects to accomplish, abstention also from sleep and dreams.

  30. It is better to do an act which is good and in which there is small merit than to totally abstain from all acts, for total abstention from acts is very sinful.

  31. The penance involved in abstention from food is superior, O king, to even compassion, truthfulness of speech, gifts, and restraining the senses.

  32. The advice given is abstention from attachments of every kind.

  33. They that are more intelligent desire the path of abstention from acts as the better of the two, viz.

  34. The Highest and Immutable, He is also the fruit of abstention from all work.

  35. Abstention from acts is observed by those that are possessed of great wisdom.

  36. Abstention from injury as regards all creatures in thought, word, and deed, kindness, and gift, are the eternal duties of those who are good.

  37. It would, perhaps, have been difficult for the Seleucid princes, even had they desired it, to pursue a policy of absolute abstention in the wars of their western neighbors.

  38. As it was, however, the idea of abstention seems never to have occurred to them.

  39. It is clear that abstention from violence and persistence in the programme are our only and surest chance of attaining our end.

  40. I am endeavouring to show to my countrymen that violent non-co-operation only multiplies evil and that as evil can only be sustained by violence, withdrawal of support of evil requires complete abstention from violence.

  41. And what constitutes such purpose is the attainment of a desired, or the avoidance of a non-desired object, to be effected by some action or abstention from action.

  42. The means again towards this kind of knowledge is such knowledge as is gained from sacred tradition, assisted by abstention and the other six auxiliary means (sec above, p.

  43. Yet as his knowledge and his judgment grew, his modesty and his abstention from interference likewise grew.

  44. His prudent abstention from stretching his official authority afterward saved him from much embarrassment in the turn which this troublesome business soon took.

  45. The Monroe Doctrine had two sides, the abstention of the Old World from interference in American affairs, based on our abstention from interference in the affairs of the Old World.

  46. His manner is reflected by the congregation in respect of abstention from working themselves up into "a state.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abstention" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstention; abstinence; asceticism; avoidance; celibacy; chastity; continence; desuetude; evasion; fast; impartiality; independence; refraining; retirement; sobriety; vegetarianism