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Example sentences for "refraining"

Lexicographically close words:
refracts; refrain; refraine; refrained; refraineth; refrains; refrangibility; refrangible; refresh; refreshed
  1. Religious conduct consists in doing that which is pleasing to the superior powers, and in refraining from acts which are thought to be offensive to them.

  2. This would lead only to terrorism, and his growing strength would soon put him beyond its power and leave him without motive for refraining from evil.

  3. Not a simple refraining from the wrong, but an active doing of the right would be the better lesson to inculcate.

  4. He stood silently before her--not in embarrassment, for he was rarely self-conscious enough to be embarrassed, but refraining from speech simply because there was nothing to say.

  5. Is then a refraining from so doing, submission?

  6. That the committee expected the Secretary of Defense to take the lead in racial affairs, refraining from dictating policy itself, did not mean that Fahy and his associates lacked a definite point of view.

  7. Protected by the lack of specific instructions the services went through an Alfonse-Gaston routine, each politely refraining from commitment to substantial measures while waiting to see how far the others would go.

  8. Morrel set out for Italy, informing their friends in the mansion on the Rue du Helder that they intended being absent some time, but refraining from giving even the slightest hint of the object of their journey.

  9. The constancy which is a part of fortitude regards hardships and objects of fear; but constancy in refraining from pleasures pertains to continence which is a part of temperance, as stated above (Q.

  10. It exhibits itself in the disposition to contribute to the happiness of others, and in refraining from all that may annoy them.

  11. It is also by refraining from anger and avarice, and abstaining from improper food and enjoyments, that one must be accustomed to constrain his breathings in the course of a long time.

  12. Registration had been going on regularly since the summer of 1867, and after the convention had adjourned there was a rush of whites to register in order to defeat the constitution by refraining from voting on it.

  13. It was now seen that the Conservatives would endeavor to defeat the constitution by refraining from voting.

  14. Now what is fasting but a refraining from what is lawful; not merely from what is sinful, but what is innocent?

  15. It is taking on us a cross after His pattern, not a mere refraining from sin, for He had no sin, but a giving up what we might lawfully use.

  16. To aid and abet that criminal is itself an offence, and the aider and abettor of the criminal must, therefore, be inconsequently punished by the curious method of refraining from punishing the criminal.

  17. The custom of refraining from sexual intercourse before expeditions of war and hunting, and other serious concerns involving great muscular and mental strain, whatever the motives assigned, is a sagacious method of economizing energy.

  18. And near them shall lie the virgins of paradise, refraining their looks from beholding any besides their spouses, having large black eyes, and resembling the eggs of an ostrich covered with feathers from the dust.

  19. As they lie down therein, they shall there ask for many sorts of fruits, and for drink; and near them shall sit the virgins of paradise, refraining their looks from beholding any besides their spouses, and of equal age with them.

  20. The fasting of the heart from worldly cares, and refraining the thoughts from everything besides GOD.

  21. Yet between Vivien and Andy Hayes silence about the past could be no more than silence--merely a refraining from words, no real forgetfulness, no true putting aside.

  22. Harry did not press; in his refraining she saw renewed evidence of his chivalry.

  23. Since that first awful day he had not fought against Fate, refraining himself even in his worst hours of darkness and suffering, and now it seemed that Fate was going to be kind after all.

  24. He praises very highly the command you have shewn over your passion in refraining from thrusting your sword through that insolent fool, in order not to forget the respect you owed to his house.

  25. From this point of view, participation in the life of the group means more than refraining from acts that are injurious to the group, it involves some degree of positive contribution to social welfare.

  26. The fathers looked at one another in stupefaction and, refraining from punishing the audacious boy who had delivered himself of this ill-timed jest, they brought him the book.

  27. A man who has a vivid sense of the right and duty of refraining from sensuality, and preserving his own purity of mind and body and the chastity of all women, will do so even in his dreams.

  28. The learned man, however, even if he be destitute of beauty, displayeth his lustre by refraining from speaking ill of others and well of himself.

  29. And travellers unable to obtain food and drink and shelter even when they ask for these, will lie down on the wayside refraining from urging their solicitations.

  30. Arriving next at the tirtha called Ekaratra, a person that stayeth there for one night, with regulated vows and refraining from untruth, becometh adored in the abode of Brahma.

  31. In what way could he make love to her better than by refraining from his evil ways for the sake of pleasing her?

  32. If you cannot refrain from what is bad without my asking you," she said, "your refraining will do no good.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "refraining" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstention; abstinence; asceticism; avoidance; celibacy; chastity; continence; denial; dodge; duck; equivocation; escape; evasion; fast; forbearance; forestalling; neutrality; prevention; refraining; shunning; slip; sober; vegetarianism; zigzag