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Example sentences for "after school"

  • The punishment was nothing to what Bert had expected, and he stayed in after school willingly.

  • What glorious times they could have after school closed if they went to their uncle's farm!

  • I'll take you out Monday afternoon, after school," said Bert to his twin sister.

  • Come along home with me after school, and I'll show you," said Regie.

  • The winter had come, and over in one corner of the playground was a slide of unusual length and excellence, upon which the Garrison boys had fine times every day before and after school.

  • Johnston would just keep him in after school for a while, or give him an "imposition" of fifty lines of Virgil to copy as a penalty, and that that would be an end of the matter.

  • After School at Evening, on account of some difference about the Key of the School-Room Ben gave Harry a smart, but just correction; I kept in my Room that I might be wholly unconcerned in the matter.

  • After school to-night Anna and I went downtown to buy a writing book, but we were so cold we thought we would never get back.

  • After school to-night Grandmother let us go down to see how the fire looked.

  • After school to-night I went out into Abbie Clark's garden with her and she taught me how to play "mumble te peg.

  • In almost every school there are enough who can sing to begin, especially if the first experiment is made in a recess, or before or after school; and the beginning once made, the difficulty is over.

  • After school he went to Milton's study, and found him still brooding over its departed glories.

  • On the following afternoon he slipped down into the basement soon after school.

  • I shall have to ask you to stay in after school.

  • All the rest of the morning he sat in his seat, feeling sorry, and he didn't want to stay in after school, but he knew he had to.

  • I forgive you for being bad in the spelling class, and you needn't stay in after school.

  • You may go to your seat," she said to the green monkey, sad like, "and you must stay in after school.

  • On Monday, after school, the three boys went to Rockville on bicycles, Dave borrowing a wheel belonging to Buster.

  • After school half an hour was allowed for getting ready, and most of that time was consumed in making snowballs and in fortifying the edge of the woods by throwing up a snowbank.

  • The next day, after school, Dave had occasion to go to Oakdale on an errand.

  • The whole class may stay in after school," he thundered, a moment later.

  • Josiah Crabtree stormed around, and finally told both Pepper and Jack that they would have to stay in after school in the afternoon.

  • Then you may remain in after school also.

  • After school, Brigham Young came in, and desired also to hear it read; after hearing it, he appeared perfectly satisfied.

  • After school went to the printing office and prepared a number of Elders' licenses, to send by Elder Palmer to the court of Medina County, in order to obtain licenses to marry, as the court in this county will not grant us this privilege.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "after school" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after bathing; after bowing; after breakfast; after debate; after drinking; after exposure; after forty; after his; after marriage; after mass; after other; after period; after preaching; after receiving; after supper; after taking; after the same manner; after thee; after them; after two; after what; after what has happened; afterwards called; afterwards known; seems good; three measures