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Example sentences for "almyghty"

Lexicographically close words:
almsgiving; almshouse; almshouses; almsmen; almug; aloe; aloes; aloetic; alofa; aloft
  1. But gr«a»unte thy man the victorye, that he might grant And the Paynym̄ skomfited to be, 1320 the victory over the As thou arte Almyghty God of glorye!

  2. By him, þat is almyghty aboue, Ye shalle abye it ellis ful dere.

  3. Almyghty god shalle quyte thy mede, Elles come we nevere he«n»nys oute.

  4. Almyghty God and Seynte Denyse thanked God He thanked ful ofte sithe 916 And oure lady Marie of Paris, and St. Mary of That made hem gladde and blitħ.

  5. I beseke Almyghty Jesu have yow, my good maystyr, eternaly in hese me[r]cyfull governaunce, and inspyre yow with hese speryt of remembraunce effectualy to precede in this matere.

  6. But, gentill Sir, socour my wif, and be not displesid with me, and than shal I do wele with Goddis mercy, Who Almyghty preserve yow for His mercy.

  7. And I require you as ye arn a gentilman, kepe thees maters secrete by twix God, you and me; for by Almyghty Jhesu of me knoweth this non erthely creatur, nor shal knowe.

  8. Almyghty Jesu preserve yow, myn worshipfull mayster, to youre desyre after his pleser and youre trewe entent.

  9. I can no more, but Almyghty God send us as his most pleaser is.

  10. Almyghty God have you in Hise governaunce.

  11. And yf ther be eny thing that I can do for you, I wole be right glad to do it, and that knoweth Almyghty God, whiche have you in his keping.

  12. And trwly, brother, I thank Almyghty God of your welfare, of the which the berer of this my pour lettre certified me of, &c.

  13. Ryght hiegh and myghty Prince, our most worschipfull and gretely redoubted lorde and Fader, We beseche Almyghty God yeve yowe as good lyfe and longe as youre owne Princely hert con best desire.

  14. Where of we thonke Almyghty God of his yeftes, beseching Hym hertely to geve yowe that grace and cotidian fortune here aftur to knowe your enemyse and to have the victory of them.

  15. Of them that synne trustynge vpon the mercy of almyghty god.

  16. Occasionally the chronicler is overcome by his feelings, and cries out, "Almyghty God helpe it whan hys wylle ys!

  17. I byleue in god fa[der] almyghty shaper of heuen & erthe.

  18. He sytteth at the ryght syde of god the fa[der] almyghty From thens he is to come to deme both quycke & deed.

  19. And Almyghty God evere more preserve you, my nown dere sone.

  20. My right wurshipfull and my moost reverent maistre, Almyghty Jesu preserve you, and send you the victorye of your elmyes, as I truste to Almyghty Jesu ye shall.

  21. Almyghty God spede you in all your maters, &c.

  22. Almyghty Godde spede you in all youre maters, and sende you hastely a goode ende in hem.

  23. Ryght reverent and worshyppeful cosyn, y comawnd me on to you, desyryng to her off your welfare, the whyche Almyghty Jesu preserve to Hys plesawns, and to your own herts desyres.

  24. And Almyghty Jesus have you and the goode Citee in his blessed garde.

  25. For I sweare by the Almyghty God, that so long as I shall liue, I will accompte thee none other, but the most cruell and mortall Ennimy that I haue in this world.

  26. Consyderynge the grete goodnesse of almyghty God creatour of heven and erthe, and al thynge therin comprehended to whom be eternall laude and prays etc.

  27. The preest, perceyuynge how that he deryded hym, answered hym shortely and said thus: howe many sonnes so euer God Almyghty had, I am sure that thou arte none of them: for thou scornyst the worde of God.

  28. And Almyghty Jesu make yow heyle and strong.

  29. Other tithyngs be ther noon here, but Almyghty God have yow in his kepyng.

  30. No more unto yowe at thys tyme, but Almyghty Jesus preserve zowe, &c.

  31. Ryght reverent and wurschypfull, and my ryght welebeloved Voluntyne, I recomande me unto yowe, ffull hertely desyring to here of yowr welefare, whech I beseche Almyghty God long for to preserve un to Hys plesur, and yowr herts desyre.

  32. No more un to yowe at thys tyme, but Almyghty Jesus preserve yowe, bothe body and sowle, &c.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "almyghty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.