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Example sentences for "aloes"

Lexicographically close words:
almshouses; almsmen; almug; almyghty; aloe; aloetic; alofa; aloft; aloha; aloin
  1. Defn: The powder of aloes with canella, formerly officinal, employed as a cathartic.

  2. Defn: A warming cathartic medicine, made of aloes and canella bark.

  3. Aloes by most is said to purge choler, but Aurelianus lib.

  4. In which direction does the clump of old aloes lie?

  5. To love Him from fear," he used to say, "is to put gall into our food and to quench our thirst with vinegar; but to fear Him from love is to sweeten aloes and wormwood.

  6. Aloes make honey seem sweeter; and wine has a more delicious flavour if we drink it after having eaten bitter almonds.

  7. Mariano, who was impatient to return, at once darted away like a deer, and was soon lost to view among the aloes and cactuses that clothed the slopes of the Sahel hills.

  8. Mariner-like, he descried him afar on the horizon of vision, as it were, bearing down under full sail along a narrow path between two hedges of aloes and cactus, which led to the house.

  9. Those aloes with the red-hot pikers are armed with spikes and sharp-hooked thorns to tear your flesh in ribands.

  10. Between all this is a natural park; a park on the banks of a waterless river-bed; a park filled with the thorn trees, the aloes in flower, and the plant with the thousands of fingers.

  11. One or two bulls looked up as we entered the enclosure, and bolted into other fields, pushing in among the thorns of the aloes which formed close hedges of fixed bayonets round the meadows.

  12. The stems of wild aloes which have been allowed to flower are stuck into the ground, side by side, and pieces of leaves tied on outside them with aloe-fibre.

  13. Socotrine aloes, although long considered the best kind, is now below Barbados aloes in commercial value.

  14. From the high price which the best Barbados aloes fetches in the market, £7 per cwt.

  15. Aloes will bear being planted in any season of the year, even in the dryest, as they will live on the surface of the earth for many weeks without a drop of rain.

  16. The value is much impaired by the careless manner in which the aloes is gathered and packed.

  17. Aloes once formed the staple of its traffic, for which it was chiefly resorted to; but only small quantities are now exported.

  18. The odor of the Cape aloes is stronger and more disagreeable than that of the Socotrine or Barbados, and the color is more like gamboge.

  19. The true Socotrine aloes is the produce of A.

  20. Calambak or eagle wood, the true lignum aloes so highly esteemed in the East as a perfume or incense, is said to be produced by the Aloexylum agallochum, Lour.

  21. This fragrant wood is probably the lign aloes of the Bible.

  22. Aloes 4 parts Jalap 2 parts Zingiber 2 parts Myrrh 2 parts Make into a mass with mucilage and divide into two grain pills, of which about four dozen are put into each box.

  23. They contain Podophyllin and aloes made into a pill and coated with sugar.

  24. On this ridge also grew tall aloes until near its extremity the soil ceased, or had been washed away from the water-worn core of rock.

  25. A little wind arose, shaking the dry leaves of the aloes in the kloof; I thought it whispered--Hail, Mameena!

  26. Dotted here and there on these slopes grew tall aloes that from a little distance looked like scattered men, whereof the lower leaves were shrivelled and blackened by veld fires.

  27. Take of Aloes six drams, Mastich, red Roses, of each two drams, with Syrup of Wormwood, make it into a mass according to art.

  28. Take of Frankincense one dram, Aloes half a dram, beat them into powder.

  29. Take of Wood of Aloes five drams, Ambergris three drams, Musk one dram, with mussilage of Gum Tragacanth made in Rose Water, make it into troches according to art.

  30. Take of Aloes two ounces, Myrrh one ounce, Saffron half an ounce, with Syrup of the juice of Lemons, make it into a mass according to art.

  31. Take of Species Hiera Picra, Agarick, of each half an ounce, Aloes one ounce, Honey Roses so much as is sufficient to make it into a mass according to art.

  32. It was only when all male van Cannans were dead that Blue Aloes could be sold for a large sum enabling us to return to Z----.

  33. Blue Aloes will never be ours to sell and go back to our own dear island.

  34. It would be difficult to stay on at Blue Aloes and protect Roddy if his stepmother insisted on her departure, and she did not see how she was going to do it.

  35. This life at Blue Aloes was too much for her, after all; she must give it best at last; it was dominating her, driving her like a leaf before the wind.

  36. Above the hut, their appearance was truly formidable; dark ivy crept among the crevices, and dwarf aloes with sharp spines, such as Lucifer himself might be supposed to have sown.

  37. Ranges of citron and aloes fill up the quadrangle, whose walls are hung with superstitious pictures most singularly fancied.

  38. After resting a few moments in the shade, we proceeded to a long avenue (bordered by aloes in bloom, forming majestic pyramids of flowers thirty feet high), which led us to the palace.

  39. In using the external vulnerary medicines, in which aloes is an ingredient, it must be remembered, what Mr. Bilguer remarks in another place, that they often prove purgative.

  40. To dose with aloes was formerly the groom's chief delight; nothing else satisfied him, and the results were often unsatisfactory in the extreme.

  41. A drachm each of saltpetre, ginger, and Barbadoes aloes will form a mild aperient, when made into a mass with a little soft soap.

  42. And outside was the garden of sharp aloes and palms, where, as she believed, her father's spirit had gone looking for her, and had not found her.

  43. For myrrh and aloes by their bitterness denote penance, by which man keeps Christ within himself without the corruption of sin; while the odor of the ointments expresses good report.

  44. Paris, an English physician, had earlier reported that these pills consisted of aloes and jalap; the committee decided on aloes, with small amounts of colocynth and gamboge, as the purgatives of choice.

  45. However, only aloes was common to all the recipes submitted to the committee.

  46. No pill made essentially of aloes and ferrous sulphate, said the government experts, could do these things.

  47. She would not care any more if she heard on the morrow that they were as dead in their infancy as Boris Seliedoff was in his youth, lying under the aloes and the palms of Monte Carlo in the southern sunshine.

  48. Eolian Aloes may be the exotic melodies that drive care from the mind.

  49. XVIII Some by Eolian Aloes borne along Swound on the Dulcimer's reverbrant Thong; But I, who make my Mecca in a Kiss, Begrudge the Lips that waste their Time in Song.

  50. Then we circled the little town of Tourettes at the foot of the Puy de Tourettes, with high cliffs in the background, and a wild luxurious growth of aloes below.

  51. The undergrowth of myrtle and dwarf ilex above becomes aloes and sarsaparilla and wild asparagus as we go down to the sea.

  52. Here and there a decayed villa stood by the roadside in its overgrown garden, huge aloes and tall cypresses rising from its tangled grass and periwinkles.

  53. If the patient is strong and vigorous, a dose of 4 drams of Barbados aloes may be given, and if there is any reason to suspect a rheumatic origin one-half a dram powdered colchicum and one-half ounce salicylate of soda may be given daily.

  54. When the granulations look red, dress the wound with oakum balls saturated in a weak solution of tincture of aloes or spirits of camphor and apply a roller bandage.

  55. If the cramp is due to irritants in the bowels, a cure is not complete until a cathartic of 1 ounce of aloes or 1 pint of linseed oil is given.

  56. Treatment in the early stages consists in a dose of physic (aloes 6 drams) and fomentations of warm water to the sheath and penis.

  57. If aloes has been given and has failed to operate at the proper time, oil or some different cathartic should then be administered.

  58. When the slough is all detached, the remaining wound is to be treated with simple stimulating dressings, such as tincture of aloes or turpentine, oakum balls, and bandages as directed in punctured wounds.

  59. A treatment which has been found effective consists in feeding lightly on the day preceding treatment, withholding food in the evening and giving an ounce of Barbados aloes or a pint of linseed oil.

  60. A cathartic, composed of Barbados aloes 6 to 8 drams, with which may be mixed 2 drams of the solid extract of belladonna, should be given at once.

  61. A physic should always be given as early as possible in flatulent colic, the best being Barbados aloes in the dose already mentioned.

  62. A pint of castor oil is less likely than either aloes or salts to act on the kidneys.

  63. This should consist, at first, of the administration of 1 ounce of Barbados aloes or other physic.

  64. In the table-lands of Cape Colony there are numerous fleshy, leafless tribes of aloes and other plants.

  65. We find the air impregnated with the varied and penetrating odor of aloes and aromatic perfumes, or with the oppressive smell of incense, till it seems to us as if we were within the walls of some mammoth drug store.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aloes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.