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Example sentences for "amelioration"

Lexicographically close words:
ameba; ameboid; ameliorate; ameliorated; ameliorating; ameliorations; ameliorative; amenability; amenable; amend
  1. Three hundred years was still to pass before the strenuous efforts of Sir Samuel Romilly bore fruit in the amelioration of the penal code.

  2. With the amelioration of the criminal code, other cruel concomitants of execution also disappeared.

  3. Another and a still more remarkable amelioration in the condition of the prisoners was soon to attract universal attention.

  4. Clubs have been established, concerts and readings have been given, and excursions into the country, convalescent homes and a thousand different things have grown up for the amelioration of the poor.

  5. This journey will show you the wondrous effects of liberty on morals, on industry, and on the amelioration of men.

  6. The existence of a state having free institutions, however imperfect, seemed to work an almost instant amelioration on the character of the people of the north of Italy.

  7. Jost's "History" proved a good guide and instructor to statesmen engaged in the amelioration of the condition of the Jews.

  8. Upon the Civil Amelioration of the Condition of the Jews," by Dohm, 352-8.

  9. The noble Malesherbes, enthusiastic for the well-being of mankind, probably at the instigation of the king, summoned a commission of Jews, which was to make suggestions for the amelioration of the condition of their brethren in France.

  10. Dohm suggested a plan whereby the amelioration of the condition of the Jews might be facilitated, and his proposals formed a programme for the future.

  11. We need a coordination of all the forces that make for social amelioration in modern life to correct present false impressions.

  12. But the men whom he finds it impossible to forgive are those who profess the same desire for the amelioration of society as he feels himself, but who do not accept his method of achieving this end.

  13. To create among such classes any conscious, deliberate effort after general amelioration might have seemed a hopeless task, and indeed in the past it has generally proved so.

  14. We were a little surprised to find that there was no amelioration in this particular, since we looked forth upon the streaming streets of Lisieux!

  15. And so on, and so forth, in all manner of ways, wise and unwise, but always sincere and determined, the beginnings of the amelioration of the Smart Set began.

  16. Every amelioration of these institutions is an abiding good, shared in by all who come within their sphere of operation.

  17. Urgent representations have been made to that Government on the subject and some amelioration has been effected.

  18. At the same time they bore testimony to the alarming distress of the manufacturing classes, and assigned hunger as a natural inducement with the poor to adopt pernicious doctrines, as projects for the amelioration of their sufferings.

  19. At the same time he was obliged to confess that in most of our colonies the exhortations sent by government, for the amelioration of the condition of their slaves, had been treated with intolerable neglect and contempt.

  20. The insurrection was ascribed by the whites partly to the vague notions existing among the negroes by the orders in council intended to effect the amelioration of their condition, and partly to the arts or imprudence of sectarian missionaries.

  21. Americans cannot entirely escape this difficulty; but in our country by far the greater obstacle to social amelioration is constituted by a democratic theory and tradition, which blocks the process of national development.

  22. American democrats have always hoped for individual and social amelioration as the result of the operation of their democratic system; but if any such result was to follow, its achievement was to be a happy accident.

  23. Thus the sincere definite decision that the experiment was necessary, would probably do more for American moral and social amelioration than would the specific measures actually adopted and tried.

  24. The ideal demand for some sort of individual and social amelioration has always accompanied even their vainest flights of patriotic prophecy.

  25. A war waged for an excellent purpose contributes more to human amelioration than a merely artificial peace,--such as that established by the Holy Alliance.

  26. The labor unions deserve to be favored, because they are the most effective machinery which has as yet been forged for the economic and social amelioration of the laboring class.

  27. The amelioration promised to aliens and to future Americans was to possess its moral and social aspects.

  28. But just in so far as the work of social and individual amelioration advances, the condition will be gradually created necessary to completer mutual confidence between the few exceptional leaders and the many "plain people.

  29. Whatever amelioration the lot of man has undergone has always been traceable either to a woman’s suggestion or at least her practical co-operation.

  30. But here again the good resulting from the law for the amelioration of the condition of the poor is wholly illusory.

  31. At bottom his theories were Saint-Simonism, the object being the amelioration of the condition of the most numerous classes of society in the speediest manner.

  32. One of the dreams of his life, the amelioration of the social condition of the working people, he found himself unable to actualize in any appreciable degree.

  33. These symptoms may persist for many days and then undergo amelioration immediately before the impending paroxysm.

  34. It goes without saying that in such a conception of nature the poet could find no amelioration of his Weltschmerz.

  35. The amelioration of the climate was accompanied by striking geographical changes, the British Islands becoming united with themselves and the opposite coasts of the continent.

  36. But when a cold epoch was passing away the steppe-forms probably gradually replaced their arctic congeners, as these migrated northwards during the continuous amelioration of the climate.

  37. The partition of the communal property has contributed, in all the communes, rather to the complete ruin of the poor than to any amelioration of their fate.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amelioration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.