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Example sentences for "apple trees"

  • For men who like to play at fruit growing, nothing can equal a selection of apple trees on Paradise stocks.

  • At the spring pruning a considerable amount of wood is cut out from all portions of the tree, the amount thus removed being much greater than that from the pear or apple trees at the same season.

  • When dwarf pear or apple trees seem to be making too much wood growth and not enough fruit, they can be taken up, as for transplanting, during the dormant season and set right back into place.

  • My understanding of the scheme is that it was as much as half intended to be a commercial venture; but up to the present time little else but confusion and fun have been gathered with the fruit from those dwarf apple trees.

  • In France and England it grows chiefly on firs and pines or on apple trees, but never on the plane, beech, or birch.

  • Cider is poured about the roots of apple trees.

  • We give below the number of apple trees in the first district, compiled from the statistics of 1897.

  • Have never used manure or any fertilizer on apple trees.

  • Until within a few years, there were not many dwarfed pear or apple trees in this country, and they were confined chiefly to French gardens and to the establishments of the wealthy.

  • The almost universal means of increasing the number of apple trees, is by sowing the seed.

  • Leptostylus aculiferus=, bores under the bark of apple trees.

  • Defn: One who holds the existence of matter to be from eternity.

  • Any similar oxide of hydrocarbon radicals; as, amyl ether; valeric ether.

  • It is the second member of the paraffin series, and its most important derivatives are common alcohol, aldehyde, ether, and acetic acid.

  • Molly was still half asleep, thinking of the orchard at Chatsworth and of what Professor Green's bungalow would look like among the apple trees.

  • Oh, are you especially fond of apple trees?

  • Apple trees comprised my entire planting for the autumn of 1895.

  • We ploughed in all about 114 acres, but we did not subsoil.

  • We marked off a plat two hundred feet by three hundred, about one and a half acres, carted a lot of manure on it, and ploughed it as deep as the subsoiler would reach.

  • Upon taking a survey of the spot where they found themselves, they perceived a clump of apple trees, which intercepted the rays of the sun, and offered them a shelter for their repast and a little rest.

  • The sun was rising majestically in the horizon when a measured noise of tinkling bells proceeded from a wood of apple trees, and a troop of half a score mules, led by the mother mare, and driven by an arriero, debouched into the plain.

  • I know that we should have planted the fillers after each row of apple trees, and there were twenty-foot marks on the wire for that purpose, but nobody told me.

  • But the great mistake was in imagining that if I got the apple trees in straight I should have no trouble putting in the fillers by sighting along the rows of apple trees.

  • Apple trees can be made by proper treatment to yield a decent crop every year.

  • Some years ago the Iowa State Horticultural Society made a determined and praiseworthy effort to determine hardiness by some characteristic of the plant, especially in apple trees.

  • I sprayed my apple trees at the same time, and I sprayed the plums with the same thing I sprayed the apple trees with.

  • Last May the Station orchard was set out, the same consisting of about 516 apple trees with a fringe of cherries and plums.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apple trees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    absolute silence; always present; anybody could; apple blossom; apple butter; apple jelly; apple orchard; apple sauce; apple tree; apple trees; dilated pupils; felt certain; firm grip; next after; ninth year; nor the; only child; peculiar feature; small chapel; small garden; steam power; taken back; threw myself; upon hearing; waste lands; what importance