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Example sentences for "aqua fortis"

  • That a glass may be so contrived as to keep the aqua fortis from the dry substance till the critical moment when the liquefaction is to be effected may be easily conceived.

  • Now, in the lower division of the glass, a few drops of aqua fortis may be lodged without furnishing any suspicion, as the color will prevent its being distinguished.

  • Whenever the priest would have the miracle take effect, he need only invert the glass, and then the aqua fortis, being uppermost, will drop down on the dry substance and excite an ebullition, which resembles the melting.

  • A print from it, in aqua fortis, by Alessio Loyr, is mentioned Lett.

  • A print of this, engraven in aqua fortis by Giuseppe Juster, is mentioned Lett.

  • A head of a young man seen in profile, engraven in aqua fortis by Conte di Caylus, from a drawing in the King of France's collection[i136].

  • It flameth white and candent like Camphire, but dissolveth not in aqua fortis, like it.

  • But if in the dissolving there be aqua fortis, it sufficeth to calcine it.

  • First, That it is not so necessary to employ either Aqua Fortis or Spirit of Urine about this Experiment, but that we have made it with other liquors instead of these, of which perhaps more elsewhere.

  • Being rubb'd on Cloth, it attracts pieces of Straws and other light things, like Ambar or Glass; and with Aqua fortis it makes an Ebullition.

  • The aqua fortis must not be too strong, or the wood will go brown or black.

  • Evidently this means what Vasari calls oil of sulphur, aqua fortis.

  • Wood may also be stained yellow with aqua fortis, used warm, and then immediately placed near the fire.

  • To dissolve Silver in Aqua Fortis, and thereby separate it from every other Metalline substance.

  • The Nitrous Acid, when thus separated from its basis by the vitriolic Acid, is named Spirit of Nitre, or Aqua Fortis.

  • Dissolve fine silver in aqua fortis; and after the dissolution, add some distilled water in the same manner as in the gold ink.

  • The method is as follows: Dissolve copper filings in aqua fortis.

  • I dissolved in aqua fortis the white magnesia employed in medicine; I evaporated this solution to dryness.

  • The nitrous air gradually lost its elasticity, the bladder collapsed, and became yellow as if corroded by aqua fortis.

  • Two drachms of it being subjected to quartation, and solution in aqua fortis, were found to have increased in weight by two scruples.

  • The goldsmith, not content with the touchstone and the application of aqua fortis, exposed the metal on the cupel with lead, and fused it with antimony, but it sustained no loss.

  • For it will presently dissolve in cold Aqua fortis, sp.

  • By this fallacy was he deceived that drank Aqua fortis for strong water.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aqua fortis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    advantage over; aqua fortis; aqua regia; aqua vitae; aquatic life; aquatic plants; breadth escapes; bronze spear; come alive; done over; dozen other; get out; grand scale; grown from; lactic acid; large collection; little mistress; lord prior; office building; particular cases; precisely similar; projecting part; rare intervals; three tons; waste away; whom died