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Example sentences for "arouse"

Lexicographically close words:
aroond; arose; around; aroundt; arousal; aroused; arouses; arousing; arowe; arowes
  1. On their return a book was published, which did much to arouse England.

  2. Could she not arouse them by something she could write?

  3. For these first and second prizes were awarded at public exhibitions, which never failed to arouse great interest.

  4. He must arouse the enthusiasm for education and learning which he knew lay deep in the hearts of the people of Michigan.

  5. The trip on horseback or stage from Detroit to Ann Arbor during the first two years was not always easy or convenient, while there was little to arouse enthusiasm in the slow development of the Campus.

  6. This decision on the part of the Council served to arouse the Venezuelans and to change the ends of the movement.

  7. It is not very easy for the legislature to plunder or blackmail individuals, even when they are disfranchised, because it has to be done by general laws, and direct methods arouse direct opposition.

  8. Figures are notorious liars; they may arouse emotion if looked at in any light, but they must be looked at in many lights if we would get an emotional effect that is truly worth while.

  9. When Frau Ceres was eager to make this and that inquiry about life at Court, the Professorin was able, in an unlooked-for way, to arouse her to think, and take an interest in general matters.

  10. It's not criticism that I care for, but it does arouse the very devil in me to see Christian people stand in wide-eyed, open-mouthed astonishment before a Christian deed.

  11. He wished this to be a service that would arouse the people, something that would interest them and induce them to come again.

  12. From this description you will easily see that the public dance, as we have it to-day, appears to have been especially contrived, in all of its appointments, to awaken and arouse the sex nature.

  13. All these things tend to arouse passion in a way and to an extent exceedingly dangerous.

  14. If you want to arouse a desirable feeling, sentiment, emotion or conviction in another, you must be controlled by that mental and moral state and allow it to emanate from you.

  15. These bad habits arouse passion and lead to the formation of semen before the body is prepared to absorb it.

  16. Is there no secret message that may arouse your wonder At all this vast emotion that thrills Eternity?

  17. Yet bearing on your bosom so many lovers' vows; Cannot the throb of passion arouse one wave in answer, Or stir to sighing cadence your silent willow boughs?

  18. It was hot, and it seemed difficult to arouse interest on the part of the town authorities.

  19. The latter had apparently done nothing to arouse his wife's detestation.

  20. Of all the clues Gwen had thrown out to arouse suspicion of the truth, and make full announcement possible, not one had entered the unreceptive mind.

  21. A mink, striking the scent will follow it, and, there being no bait to scare him or arouse his suspicions, will run along the track until he gets into one of the traps.

  22. A section of small fish an inch long is sufficient and much less likely to arouse suspicions than a larger piece.

  23. It was natural that the evils with which this absurd cult of limpieza afflicted the land should arouse opposition and call forth suggestions to mitigate its hardship.

  24. Quick tempers and excitable natures do not arouse mistrust, as they are at least "clear and aboveboard.

  25. Very few are those who know how to appreciate the beauty of these crystal souls; see them without noticing anything to arouse attention.

  26. The purpose of the pupils' reading and discussion is to arouse their vocational ambition and to lead them to appreciate the value of further education and training for life.

  27. V An Original Fairy Story The work is arranged primarily to arouse interest.

  28. Finally, Madame von Berg ventured to approach and arouse her from her meditation.

  29. Sire, send me to Breslau--permit me to participate in the organization of the new levies, and to arouse the zeal and energy of the authorities, and I swear to your majesty the Silesian fortresses shall be saved!

  30. We must arouse the sleepers; we must compel them to act!

  31. I have tried to arouse my country; I have stretched out my hand toward my countrymen, and said to them, 'I will assist you in shaking the sleep from your half-closed eyes.

  32. For that is now our only task: to arouse the Germans, and to remind them of their duty and honor.

  33. But God wanted first to arouse her from her arrogance and vanity, and make the weakness of her leading men known to her, that she might rise after a noble regeneration and with redoubled strength.

  34. But, in order to bring about this change, it is necessary to arouse the Prussians, and fan the flames of their patriotism.

  35. But I will arouse them by my cannon, and my armies shall sing them a song of the new majesty that Heaven has sent into the world.

  36. It was the endeavor of Rienzi to arouse them to a resolution to be free.

  37. What reasons are assigned why we should arouse to effort now, to-day?

  38. Even the tugging and sharp barks of his faithful friend failed to arouse him.

  39. Their lamentations, the cries of the orphans, the wailings of the parents rise up to heaven, and arouse and call upon the enduring goodness of the Lord to thrust and to fling us in his wrath far away from him, like useless vessels.

  40. I knew from my observations in Turkey that this aggressive action on the part of Italy would far transcend the interest of either Italy or Turkey, and would inevitably arouse the restless Balkan Powers to action.

  41. After it was over, one little circumstance after another occurred to arouse fears and suspicions.

  42. During the months of June and July several numbers were clandestinely published and widely circulated, of a paper called The Voice of the People, the object of which was to arouse the Cubans to resistance of the Spanish rule.

  43. Nevertheless, the effect was to arouse all that there was of manliness and seamanship in Captain Crutchely, who from that instant appeared to be himself again.

  44. If you are addressing a body of scientists on such a subject as the veins in a butterfly's wings, or on road structure, naturally your theme will not arouse much feeling in either you or your audience.

  45. To appeal to pride in appearance would make one set of men merely laugh--to try to arouse sympathy for the Jews in Palestine would be wasted effort among others.

  46. Exhortation is a highly impassioned form of appeal frequently used by the pulpit in efforts to arouse men to a sense of duty and induce them to decide their personal courses, and by counsel in seeking to influence a jury.

  47. What are the motives that arouse men to action?

  48. Arguing a subject, however, will necessarily arouse contradictory ideas in the mind of your audience.

  49. The third principle will, we surmise, arouse no dispute: No one can learn how to speak who does not first speak as best he can.

  50. Selfishness toward them, lack of tenderness toward them, lack of consideration for them, above all, brutality in any form toward them, should arouse the heartiest scorn and indignation in every upright soul.

  51. No wrong-doing is so abhorrent as wrong-doing by a man toward the wife and the children who should arouse every tender feeling in his nature.

  52. Thus pause is a valuable instrument in the hands of a trained speaker to arouse and maintain suspense.

  53. They get over on your side of the fence, and arouse a desire for their nostrums by appealing to your own interests.

  54. The speaker who would speak efficiently must develop the power to arouse feeling.

  55. If your message does not of itself arouse you to tension, PULL yourself together.

  56. Such unifying devices arouse the feelings, make soldiers fanatical mobs--and, alas, more efficient murderers.

  57. Man is a feeling animal, hence the public speaker's ability to arouse men to action depends almost wholly on his ability to touch their emotions.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arouse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.