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Example sentences for "arrests"

Lexicographically close words:
arrester; arresters; arresting; arrestingly; arrestment; arret; arrete; arrets; arriant; arriba
  1. Because the poker concentrates the heat, and therefore increases it: and 2ndly--Because the poker arrests the air which passes over the fire, and produces a draught.

  2. Arrests under the law suspending the writ of habeas corpus were made the texts for harangues on liberty.

  3. Such arrests gave the enemies of the Administration another handle against it.

  4. Over fifty arrests followed his confession, with the result that all is again quiet in Omsk.

  5. Several conspiracies have been discovered, and a large number of arrests made in consequence.

  6. The transcendental literature of Germany absorbs all that, at first glance, arrests the attention.

  7. The authors of this brutal attack were abundantly identified, and through the prompt intervention of the United States Consul at Beirut and the Consular agent at Mersine--the nearest port--a number of arrests were made.

  8. These arrests have only been a matter of form, and only because some foreign consuls may have demanded it.

  9. Ministry of the Interior, on the revenue of 1851, to be applied to the liquidation of the expenses resulting from the arrests consequent on the events of December.

  10. The first of the malefactors who committed this crime of confiscating property, and who set the example of arrests of this sort, is named Eynard.

  11. Arrests were made as a result of the expedition, and the owner of the ship, Mr. John D.

  12. This was found not sufficient, inasmuch as it did not reach those civilians who, like certain civilians of our day, claim the protection of the civil law in time of war against military arrests and military trials for military crimes.

  13. Wherever be appears in public with the prince he manages to draw him away from the rest of the company by the pleasing manner in which he engages him in conversation and arrests his attention.

  14. The whole question as to the right and the policy of military arrests and orders in such a time bristles with difficulties.

  15. Only two or three were seriously wounded, and comparatively few arrests were made.

  16. Owing to the way the information had been obtained, and not wishing to expose the source, no arrests were made.

  17. Sullivan, which turned out to be one of the largest as well as one of the most sensational raids and arrests that had occurred in Chicago for years.

  18. Twenty thousand arrests in twenty years of service, a thousand arrests every year, on an average.

  19. There were many arrests for carrying concealed weapons in the last official year.

  20. Until this can be done it would be far better to cut down largely the number of arrests and committals of the young.

  21. Peyronnet, of Chantelauze and of Guernon-Ranville; a host of details concerning these arrests were related to me with exultant volubility, which details shall be given in their due time and place.

  22. People there could talk of nothing but the arrests of MM.

  23. During the month of July arrests were made of 361 persons, on charges like the above mentioned, by the military authority.

  24. Arrests of individuals by military force soon commenced, and a large number of eminent Kentuckians of all professions and pursuits were imprisoned.

  25. Military arrests should not be tolerated, except in places where active hostilities exist; and oaths, not required by enactments constitutionally, should be neither demanded nor received.

  26. Immediately upon the issue of the order of the commanding General, the arrests of citizens commenced by provost-marshals.

  27. A large number of such arrests were made in Ohio, newspapers were suspended, and editors imprisoned.

  28. In Pennsylvania arrests were made, newspapers suspended, editors imprisoned, and offices destroyed.

  29. Thus these arrests were for a short period suspended, and then vigorously renewed.

  30. Numerous arrests are made, and a few of the local firebrands are ultimately prosecuted and convicted.

  31. There were many arrests and prosecutions.

  32. Even his fellow-regicides, even the authors of the slaughter of Vendemiaire and of the arrests of Fructidor, were ashamed of him.

  33. The sand arrests any solid matter in the water as it percolates to the gravel and drains below.

  34. The carbon arrests the coarser forms of matter; the asbestos the finer.

  35. The highest rates of arrests and commitments were about 1893.

  36. It appears that, on the whole, we are warranted in concluding that for the nine cities considered, the rate of Negro arrests per thousand of the Negro population is decreasing.

  37. The crime-rate of Negroes, North and South, appears at present to be about the same, although the rate of police arrests for some Southern cities is higher than that for the Northern cities.

  38. Arrests and prison commitments have many factors which figures do not show and are quite as much a commentary upon the white communities at large as upon the unfortunate Negro law-breakers.

  39. Such ecclesiastical arrests are only made in order to correct sin.

  40. He told me that according to the best information, the government had not issued orders for the arrests apprehended; and that as yet they are still only in apprehension.

  41. Yet we need not be surprised; for we have already learned that the novel stimulus has power to compel the attention; it stands alone and unrelated; and for that reason it startles and arrests us (p.

  42. A novel stimulus has the same power; it stands alone and unrelated; it startles or arrests us.

  43. It is a colour-patch in literary art which dominates the picture and arrests attention, as in Shakespeare's "Every yesterday hath lighted fools The way to dusty death!

  44. A man may have much wisdom packed into his capacious mind, but to unfold it attractively so that it glitters in the public eye and arrests attention is where the master art of handling words comes in.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrests" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.