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Example sentences for "aspirants"

Lexicographically close words:
asphyxiation; aspic; aspidistra; aspin; aspirant; aspirate; aspirated; aspirates; aspirating; aspiration
  1. No sooner had the October elections resulted in a Republican triumph than aspirants for federal employment began weaving the combinations which should capture the Minnesota appointments.

  2. The companies were promptly recruited by aspirants to commissions, and the organization was complete by the middle of November.

  3. The aspirants were inconveniently numerous and eager.

  4. To enquire of the royal officials as to the character of aspirants for appointment was inadmissible, as it would admit them to participation in a matter with which they had nothing to do.

  5. These had been largely in the hands of Conversos, causing so much jealousy that the prospect of acquiring them led numbers of aspirants to wish for the sharpest and speediest action.

  6. The separation of the military pupils from their families at an early age must be avoided, and hence the number of cadet boarding schools for young aspirants are diminished.

  7. Aspirants for public favor, who were opposed to each other, met and made and answered arguments.

  8. During the fall, I had the pleasure of hearing these two rival aspirants for office define their position before the people.

  9. The Congress elections were going against the administration, and the aspirants for the presidency in the cabinet were struck with terror at the view of the great military reputations which were growing up.

  10. The aspirants for honors were not required to think for themselves, to understand the problems of their generation or to know anything of the science of government.

  11. We who have succeeded are so apt to tell new aspirants not to aspire, because the thing to be done may probably be beyond their reach.

  12. No doubt the chances against literary aspirants are very great.

  13. I felt that aspirants coming up below me might do work as good as mine, and probably much better work, and yet fail to have it appreciated.

  14. What old-established successful author has not said such words as these to humble aspirants for critical advice, till they have become almost formulas?

  15. We have seen how he dealt with aspirants after ecclesiastical honors, and how he shifted his subordinates, as he thought best, from point to point upon the surface of the globe.

  16. In the collation to bishoprics and other benefices the same spirit of equity appeared; for Pius inquired scrupulously into the character and fitness of aspirants after office.

  17. The germ of the essentially Christian Schools may be traced from the custom of the great apostles of gathering round them their disciples and the aspirants for the priesthood, for purposes of instruction and discipline.

  18. To summarise the course of preparation for knighthood, it may be pointed out that for the first seven years of training, the aspirants were known as pages, varlets, or damoiseaux.

  19. The former were men of good family, sons of knights and nobles, aspirants for the honour of knighthood, and sons of the smaller gentry.

  20. His companions were all young men of noble family, aspirants for the order of knighthood.

  21. You will have tough fighting, I can tell you, for all these young aspirants to knighthood will do their best to show themselves off before the king and queen.

  22. At length Johnson undertook the adventure in which so many aspirants had failed.

  23. The quarrels arising from this stipulation lasted through many generations, and led to the invitation of Mahratta help from the rival aspirants to power, and finally to the subjection of all the Rajput states to the Mahrattas.

  24. Minor aspirants are easily extinguished; but three of them survive a conflict of twenty years, and lay the foundation of short-lived dynasties.

  25. Rebellion became rife; and two of the aspirants to the throne made themselves masters of whole provinces.

  26. As the editor contends, intellectual evolution must occur; and the whole recent career of the United demonstrates the value of a purely literary society for genuine literary aspirants of every age and every stage of mental development.

  27. Cases become not infrequent in the records of prosecutions for false-witness in matters of limpieza, showing that aspirants were not remiss in furnishing testimony to prove fraudulent claims.

  28. The statute of Toledo required aspirants to furnish genealogies and deposit money for expenses and this was probably the common plan.

  29. But aspirants continued to enter, and all of them averred positively that they had not seen the notice on the door.

  30. On the following morning, when Lilian, refreshed, arrived zealously at the office half an hour earlier than usual, she found three aspirants waiting to apply for the vacant posts.

  31. The anterooms of the court are crowded with aspirants ready and fit to be invested with the rank of officers of the crown.

  32. On the one hand, it was menaced by the Ottoman Turks; not to speak of the kings of France and Spain, who were rival aspirants for control in the Italian peninsula.

  33. The schools of technology, of medicine, of art, of music, of histrionics, and of higher liberal learning are always open to aspirants without condition.

  34. She is a pretty little creature, and all the aspirants to matrimony are candidates for her hand.

  35. Aspirants to matrimony candidates for her hand.

  36. These, then, are the three merits to be striven for in equal measure by aspirants to the art of fiction: momentous material, masterly method, and important personality.

  37. As before, Mr. Glenn seemed dissatisfied with the condition in which he found two of the aspirants for colors among the Third Class men.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aspirants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.