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Example sentences for "authoresses"

Lexicographically close words:
authenticity; authentick; author; authore; authoress; authorial; authorisation; authorise; authorised; authorises
  1. If I could only have had something askew in my heredity, I know lots of authoresses who would have jumped at me.

  2. The authoresses are quite as inconsistent," the professional heroine rejoined.

  3. It is, indeed, common for women to follow the camp, but no prudent general will allow them in such numbers as the breed of authoresses would furnish.

  4. Such is fame; and no wonder that young authoresses often begrudge a complete surrender of their identity to the Juggernaut car of public curiosity and criticism, and begin either anonymously or with a pseudonyme.

  5. The first of these authoresses was Miss Frances Burney, who later became Madame D'Arblay, but is generally referred to familiarly as Fanny Burney.

  6. Much the greatest of this trio of authoresses is the last, Jane Austen, who perhaps belongs as much to the nineteenth century as the eighteenth.

  7. Nevertheless the assertion of some present-day critics that she is the greatest of all English authoresses is certainly extravagant.

  8. Authoresses have also been distinguished for the excellence and extent of their epistolary correspondence.

  9. The odd thing is that the heroines of whom authoresses are so fond in novels, are not the heroines whom other women like in real life.

  10. Of course great authoresses shake themselves free from it.

  11. Authoresses do not ask for what Mr. Mill wishes them to have--a vote for the borough, or perhaps a seat in Parliament.

  12. And at last authoresses were driven back on the old standard of beauty.

  13. The throng of semi-educated authoresses who are now flocking about the world of letters is a wholesome protest against such exclusive jealousy.

  14. The rapid and portentous increase of authoresses changed the current of affairs.

  15. As a rule, authoresses do not care much about lovely women; and they must naturally despise the miserable masculine weakness which is led captive by a pretty face, even if it be only upon paper.

  16. And as it would be impossible to develop it to any considerable extent in a dry controversial work, authoresses have no other place to work it in except in a romance.

  17. This is the reason why authoresses enjoy dressing up a heroine who is ill-used.

  18. Authoresses are never weary of attempts to set this right.

  19. The authoresses themselves, to do them justice, seem to have been very little dazzled by all this excitement.

  20. Few authoresses in these days can have enjoyed the ovations and attentions which seem to have been considered the due of many of the ladies distinguished at the end of the last century and the beginning of this one.

  21. The authoresses of heroines are often more interesting than the heroines themselves, and Amelia Opie was certainly no exception to this somewhat general statement.

  22. It was so hard to persuade the budding authoresses that this matter of space was one of real importance, and that they must not exceed their allowance even by a single paragraph.

  23. The successful authoresses turned to one another with almost incredulous delight, and broke into open rejoicings.

  24. It seems she is one of your authoresses that you first foster and then upbraid us with.

  25. Miss Wesley and her friend and a tribe of authoresses that come after you here daily and, in defect of you, hive and cluster upon us, are the shadows.

  26. And have none of these motives produced authoresses in Germany?

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "authoresses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.