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Example sentences for "baptisms"

Lexicographically close words:
baptiser; baptising; baptism; baptismal; baptisme; baptismum; baptismus; baptisteries; baptistery; baptistry
  1. And it was at San Carlos Mission of Carmelo, that the superiors of the different missions convened and gave accounts of their work and numbers of baptisms etc.

  2. They met in council the day after the first baptisms in the River Ribble, and "continued in fasting and prayer, praise and thanksgiving until two o'clock in the morning.

  3. Kimball and his confreres, who opened the British Mission in 1837, had a terrible encounter with evil spirits on the day of the first baptisms in Preston.

  4. Baptisms continued in London, and the Elders now had good congregations.

  5. But conversions and baptisms were becoming more frequent, and the clouds of discouragement which had so long hung over them, were beginning to clear away.

  6. This appeared to me so strange, that I examined the parish registry in order to verify it; and I found that the baptisms were actually recorded as on the same days in both registries.

  7. After they had learned them and been instructed in them, they were directed to fast for forty days, or one month; and general baptisms took place on the eve of the feasts of the Resurrection and Pentecost.

  8. Baptisms in the church were begun in the month of October, 1588.

  9. Are you not accustomed to rely much, in your scriptural argument for infant baptism, on the baptisms of households by the apostles?

  10. The towns, however, kept jogging past at frequent intervals, Red Hook being first on the list, the first mention of which is in 1751, when certain baptisms are recorded as occurring in Roode Hoek.

  11. Baptisms exceed burials by more them one-third.

  12. Baptisms of Males exceed Females by one-tenth, or one in ten.

  13. According to Shipman the custom of making presents at baptisms declined in the time of the Commonwealth.

  14. The number of godfathers and godmothers to attend at baptisms was fixed at Worcester, at a synod held in 1240, when the same provision was made as is now required by our rubric, viz.

  15. The prayers used at bell baptisms fully recognise this doctrine.

  16. There are in the Parish Register several entries of baptisms and deaths of this family.

  17. There are some entries of their baptisms in the Parish Register.

  18. Apart from the visible results in the form of baptisms from Biesenthal's labours, the indirect results were great and far-reaching.

  19. That there was a considerable truth in Baron de Rothschild's observation given above, is seen from the statistics of Jewish baptisms in those days.

  20. In the registers are recorded the baptisms of two of the children of George II.

  21. A register of the marriages, baptisms and burials which have taken place at Somerset House has been published by Sir T.

  22. Baptisms of this kind were exceptional in the early ages of the Christian Church.

  23. But there were enough baptisms to create a new problem.

  24. Under the urge of the Bishop of London's pastoral letter there came a great increase in the number of baptisms of adult Negroes; so sudden an increase as to cause concern to Commissary Blair and to Governor Gooch.

  25. There were some baptisms during the conference and a number of the brethren were ordained.

  26. These were the first baptisms for the dead in the font in the Lord's House.

  27. Eleven other converts were baptized at the close of this conference, by David Whitmer, in Seneca Lake, where most of the other baptisms were performed.

  28. From this time forth, as long as the Saints remained in Nauvoo, baptisms for the dead were performed in the temple.

  29. The reason for this announcement was that the temple had progressed so far that the font in the basement had been prepared for this ordinance, therefore, baptisms for the dead could no longer be performed in the river.

  30. Each room was dedicated separately as it was finished, and ordinance work for the Saints, as well as baptisms for the dead, were performed.

  31. In consequence of this there were no longer any baptismal extracts; no longer any certainty as to baptisms or births; and the children of the marriages solemnised in the way I have stated above were illegitimate in the eyes of the law.

  32. Amongst other things, a tax was established upon baptisms and marriages.

  33. Acts 2:1-41] On that day the Gospel of the crucified and risen Saviour was first preached by the apostles, the first converts were made, and the first Christian baptisms were administered.

  34. Luke 10:16] If a minister should happen to be a hypocrite, his official acts, such as baptisms and the like, would still be valid.

  35. But after the destruction of the Temple, and the baptismal font, baptisms for the dead must of course cease, because there was no longer an acceptable place for this ordinance to be ministered.

  36. Hortensianus of Lares[481] said: "How many baptisms there are, let those who uphold or favour heretics determine.

  37. To him we answer: Why does not he also make two baptisms who maintains that the unrighteous also can baptize?

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "baptisms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.