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Example sentences for "beateth"

Lexicographically close words:
beaten; beater; beaterio; beaters; beates; beath; beati; beatific; beatification; beatified
  1. They fight: ROBIN beateth the miller with a flail, and felleth him.

  2. King Arthur is not idle, but pierceth shields and beateth in helms, the while all look on in wonderment at him and Messire Gawain.

  3. And the other priest cometh after, and bringeth a great rod, and setteth the first priest aside by force, and beateth the cross with the rod in every part, and weepeth right passing sore.

  4. If any foorme or stoole stand in his way, hee oftentimes beateth his browe vpon the same, and often ducking downe with his head, and body, worshippeth the chiefe Image.

  5. I am ready, and I stand Content; if thy hand beateth down my hand, Thou rulest.

  6. Whether the season be winter or whether it be summer, whether it be morning among the worlds or whether it be night, Skarl still beateth his drum, for the purposes of the gods are not yet fulfilled.

  7. If any form or stool stand in his way, he oftentimes beateth his brow upon the same, and often, ducking down with his head and body, worshippeth the chief image.

  8. I would look not upon her colour, nor the heart's roof all men can see, If the heart beateth true beneath it, true praise shall she win from me!

  9. Will you take it for repenting, if a man that spits in your face and beateth you, shall do it every day, and ask you forgiveness at night, and purpose to do it still, because he asked forgiveness.

  10. And the malicious man that beateth you or undoes you, may say, that he hath a passion upon him, and he taketh no more revenge on you than satisfieth it.

  11. Nay nought so great is foaming flood that through its bursten banks Breaks forth, and beateth down the moles that 'gainst its going stand.

  12. Let it remain boiling, whiles your Pulse beateth two hundred stroaks.

  13. Now and again other methods of calculating than ours are used; but "whiles you can say the Miserere Psalm very leisurely" is as easily computed as "while your Pulse beateth 200 stroaks.

  14. It beateth in opening of itself that it may take in breath, and thrusting together may put it out, and so it is in continual moving, in drawing in and out of breath.

  15. And then one of the hunters cometh to him and beateth and smiteth him, and pricketh him full sore.

  16. Also sometimes the blind beateth and smiteth and grieveth the child that leadeth him, and shall soon repent the beating by doing of the child.

  17. So fight I, not as one that beateth the air," not as one amusing himself with idle flourishes, but as one who has a real enemy to encounter.

  18. Then he says: "I fight not as one that beateth the air.

  19. Not as one that beateth the air,'" murmured the girl.

  20. But, thank God--'so fight I, not as one that beateth the air.

  21. He that beateth me, by His arms,[48] shall well find That I will not be far from him, nor run behind.

  22. Would God I had done after your counsel; For my husband is so fell; He beateth me like the Devil in hell; And the more I cry the less mercy.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beateth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.