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Example sentences for "foaming"

Lexicographically close words:
foal; foaled; foals; foam; foamed; foams; foamy; fobs; focal; focht
  1. Foaming with rage, the duke left her presence, and from that moment his love was exchanged for a deadly hatred.

  2. Off he tore after the carriage, foaming with rage.

  3. And now they seemed farther apart than ever, and in despair they tried once more to throw themselves into the foaming waves.

  4. In driving them at fires, they frequently foam so violently that it is utterly impossible to obtain any clew to the amount of water present, and the attendant usually keeps his feed-pump on and allows the foaming to go on.

  5. Not only did a ravine open from this basin, winding its way up the entire ascent, but a copious stream of water ran through it, foaming and roaring amid its glens.

  6. Tipped to one side, the boat skimmed lightly through the foaming waves.

  7. On one side was the ocean with its breakers foaming around the lower rocks; on the other, the straight, unrelenting, impassive coast.

  8. It was the most lovely moonlight night conceivable, and the beams lit up the crests of the foaming waves as they came boiling over the rapids.

  9. The boys had also discovered that hungry trout lay in schools below the foaming rapids, just anxious to grace the frying-pan of the scouts.

  10. Just as the one who had thrown the rope expected, the noose was instantly seized by the foaming waters, and swept downward, straight at the clinging boy.

  11. Through the white foaming waters Davy was dragged in great style.

  12. He settled her in a comfortable corner, brought her a cup of coffee heaped with foaming cream, and gave it as his opinion that it was going to be "a beastly crush.

  13. Milking-time aroused no ambition to experiment on her own account, and a glass of foaming new milk proved unexpectedly nauseous.

  14. When I am standing on a mountain crest, Or hold the tiller in the dashing spray, My love of you leaps foaming in my breast, Shouts with the winds and sweeps to their foray; .

  15. Jean became but a formless dark object tossed like a drift-log on the foaming waters that spouted against the foot of the bluff.

  16. Tossing up and down on the long, green swells, the moving boat drew nearer and nearer to the foaming lines of surf.

  17. The surf ringed the grey sands at their feet with long foaming lines.

  18. Silvertip slanted uneasy glances in the direction of the foaming shoals that ran far out into the sea.

  19. Ellen was gazing, in a fascination of dread, at the green-back waves humping their backs like fearful monsters, chasing one another in to the line of foaming breakers that spent themselves at her feet.

  20. But this poor little love episode is tossed about, in all senses, like a drowned flower by the tumultuous foaming upheaval of this great tragic drama, which begins with a battle and ends with a riot.

  21. All seated at the same table with foaming bocks before us, we quickly became acquainted, and found each other very congenial, since we served under the same banner.

  22. The men washed down their cakes with foaming "blues" from the beer barrel.

  23. Now and again Uncle Dick would see the boys looking at the black forests which covered these slopes on each side of the river, foaming down between the Selkirks and the Rockies.

  24. Time and again the young adventurers paused to look down at the raging torrent, broken into high, foaming waves by the numerous reefs of rock which ran across it.

  25. While Joe was filling a plate with pigeon-pie and pouring out a glass of foaming Bass, Mr. Lavender stared at the three Germans and suffered the tortures of the damned.

  26. The waters of change were foaming in, carrying the promise of new forms only when their destructive flood should have passed its full.

  27. And going to the sideboard he poured out three glasses of a light, foaming beer.

  28. I love their pure air, their jagged heights, their snowy peaks, and their foaming cataracts tumbling down.

  29. Finally with the swiftness of an arrow the maddened stream leaps into the river, and we stand on the banks and look down on the “hoarse torrent’s foaming breath below.

  30. On a little ridge between two foaming streams we made our camp in the forest.

  31. Like a shining silver tracing it twisted and turned, foaming over rocks and running in smooth, green sheets between vertical walls of granite.

  32. All day, behind three tiny donkeys, we followed a tortuous, foaming stream in the bottom of a splendid valley, ever going upward.

  33. A man one day, a raving, foaming idiot the next--a thing to be put away out of sight, out of hearing.

  34. Above the foaming breakers white gulls were fluttering; now they threw themselves screaming into the briny flood, and now they reappeared and winged their way whither?

  35. In another instant they both would have been carried away, when Glover saw some one making his way through the foaming water towards him.

  36. The sun sunk in an angry glow of ruddy hue which suffused the whole eastern sky, and cast an ensanguined tint on the foaming crests of the fast-rising waves.

  37. A few stars came out and shone brightly overhead, but they were quickly obscured by the gathering clouds; the darkness increased, till nothing could be seen on either hand but the dark, tumbling seas with their white foaming crests.

  38. Among other things thrown overboard was the captain's chest; the mate saw it just as it reached the foaming sea, too late to save it.

  39. Away the ship plunged through the seas more furiously than ever, bending down till it seemed as if her yard-arms literally touched the foaming tops of the seas as they came rolling and hissing by.

  40. There was a cry that the sea had carried them back, but the next moment their heads appeared on the top of a foaming sea, and on it rushed towards the beach.

  41. The wind increased, and howled through the rigging; the seas came roaring and hissing up alongside, as the frigate, driven onward by the gale, went surging through the foaming water.

  42. He stood in another place that had lain behind all these appearances--a landscape with wooded hills, a foaming river, the sun just sinking below the forest, and dusk creeping from a gorge along the lonely banks.

  43. The wine of eternal youth flushed all his veins with joy, and the old, old world was young again with every impulse of natural happiness intensified with the Earth's own foaming tide of life.

  44. He shook with rage, and spoke with a choked voice, foaming at the lip, so that I dreaded lest he should fall into a fit and die.

  45. As he turned, foaming at the mouth with rage, to reach his gun, I deemed it best to put the door between us.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foaming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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