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Example sentences for "behint"

Lexicographically close words:
behime; behind; behinde; behindhand; behine; behoind; behold; beholde; beholden; beholder
  1. The place was crowded to the e'e, Maister Glen and me having nearly gob our ribs dung in before we fand a seat, and them behint were obliged to mount the back benches to get a sight.

  2. Ye ken I never was behint hand; and I agreed that I wad just fling on my coat and step up wi' them to Orange Lane.

  3. Oh, hush, with your comin' in behint 'em.

  4. Didn't I tell yeh we'd come aroun' in behint 'em?

  5. I ain' lay eyes on er dish er kebbage sence I lef dat ar patch on Hick'ry Hill, en all de blackeye peas I'se done seen is what I raise right dar behint dat do'.

  6. When he plays a fork, I plays a fork; when he boards a shave, I'm only a neck behint him.

  7. All at onct a kid looks out d' fort' story window wit 'd' fire shinin' behint him.

  8. Two of me stalls sits ahead of him, me an' me other pal is behint him.

  9. Ach, he didn'd got free, His hants vos died behint his beck yet," replied Fritz.

  10. Tat's a fine way of mine, when I can get behint a mon.

  11. I'm for gaein' back while the road's open behint us," he said.

  12. But urchin Cupid shot a shaft, That play'd a dame a shavie, A sailor rak'd her fore and aft, Behint the chicken cavie.

  13. Do ye envy the city gent, Behint a kist to lie and sklent, Or purse-proud, big wi' cent.

  14. Thou need na jouk behint the hallan, A chiel sae clever; The teeth o' time may gnaw Tantallan, But thou's for ever!

  15. E was starin' h'at us from behint them ice-piles.

  16. Whin we've took the palace we'll move on an' dhrive the vagàbones from behint up to that railroad embankmint, where Gineral Ruey can bid them the time av day.

  17. Well, thin, the rebels are behint the embankmint, takin' it aisy.

  18. There will be enough to fight the French without you--unmarried men, or men that have naebody to leave behint them and to mourn for them.

  19. Belike if ye water it well ye'll be havin' a fine flower-bed av long-haired cats out behint th' office.

  20. Billy Butterworth said when he put his mother-in-law behint th' fire.

  21. Thou need na jouk behint the hallan, A chiel sae clever; The teeth o' time may gnaw Tantallan, But thou's for ever.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "behint" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.