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Example sentences for "peas"

Lexicographically close words:
pearlite; pearls; pearly; pears; peart; peasant; peasantry; peasants; peascod; peason
  1. Why, they are as alike as two peas in a pod," ejaculated Miss Campbell.

  2. When done it was to be taken up and the gravy strained and skimmed; the tongue was to be laid in a dish, with green peas round it, and the gravy poured over it.

  3. In summer put a pint of young peas into the gravy; fried potatoes are very good with this dish.

  4. One pound of dried split peas contains more than three times as much nutriment as one pound of fresh peas.

  5. There are some who contend, however, that the flavor of certain vegetables such as peas and string beans is improved if the vegetable water is drained from them and they are cooked in fresh water.

  6. Cottage Cheese or peas and beans in combination with milk or eggs may take the place of meat.

  7. Peas too old to serve as a vegetable may be used for soup.

  8. Other vegetable mixtures such as cucumbers and tomatoes or peas and celery molded in jelly make tasty salads.

  9. Meats are more expensive than dried peas or beans and cheese, especially Cottage Cheese.

  10. Different kinds of vegetables are sometimes mixed for a soup, as: Peas and beans, or corn and beans.

  11. As it is, I am thankful to the congressman who sent the peas and morning-glories.

  12. Indoors sweet corn was boiling in the same pot with new potatoes, while in an improvised milk-boiler on coals, at one side of the fireplace, peas were simmering.

  13. Dried green peas coated with sugar was one of the staple drugs, and others as useless, but not as harmless.

  14. What Mendel found in raising peas may lead To perfect knowledge of the human mind.

  15. And many were the gardeners he brought down with yellow peas shot out of his little gun.

  16. Five million people in this great blunderbuss of a town, and all of them at the mercy of that Life-Force, like a lot of little dried peas hopping about on a board when you struck your fist on it.

  17. Bridget, too, soon lost her patience, as the peas rattled upon the newly-swept floor.

  18. And then he went to shooting peas at us, and he got Bridget real mad, and Ralph had to clear out, to study his lesson.

  19. Oscar; and he continued the shower of peas until he had exhausted his stock, and then picked most of them up again, to serve for some future occasion.

  20. Not idly this time; for a pan of peas was in her lap, and her fingers were busy with shelling them.

  21. But the chips had whetted their appetites, and the sight of green peas and saveloys made their mouths water.

  22. As he praised the quality of the peas to a customer, he found time to observe that the unloading went on very slowly.

  23. The pods split with a sharp crack under her fingers, and the peas rattled into a tin basin.

  24. When each received a plate containing a squashy mess of peas and a luscious saveloy, they began to eat with slow, animal satisfaction, heedless of the noisy crowd.

  25. The peas melted in your mouth, the piecrusts were a marvel, and the saveloys were done to a turn.

  26. Stinky, full of jealous fear, had dragged Pinkey to the new market, where he meant to treat her to green peas and ice-cream.

  27. The peas descended to the kitchen, and ascended again untouched to the hothouse, where they finished their wild and varied career.

  28. Henry acknowledged that at the moment he looked so little like the owner of anything except the bag, in which the peas were rattling like bullets, that he forgave the doubt.

  29. Mrs. Moulton asked Henry to bring with him some green peas from Petit Val to eke out the chef's meager menu.

  30. However, the principal thing was that the harassed peas were safe in the kitchen and in time to be cooked and figure on the menu as légumes (les petits pois).

  31. But I only wanted to look at my guinea peas a little.

  32. After a jolly dinner of peas and bacon and pancakes, we looked at the skies for a bit, and then (all but Fred and Hetta) went up to the turret-room.

  33. It was too bad; especially as Julia and Fanny Podd filled two of the more important places, with bunches of fresh sweet-peas in their hair.

  34. In sacks, in glass jars, and cases, coffee beans ranging in size from furled grains as small as peas to flat beans as large as cocoa beans were displayed.

  35. Janice slid down the ladder, found the little three-fingered weeder, and went to work upon the rich mould around the roots of the vines--the sweet peas and morning glories that would soon be blooming in abundance.

  36. The rows of vegetables were straight; the weeds were kept out; and they had earlier potatoes and peas for the table than anybody else on Hillside Avenue.

  37. The addition of some green peas is an improvement--and also quenelles (see 4).

  38. This recipe is useful when green peas are getting old and are not tender enough to be enjoyable if served in the usual way.

  39. Pass some cooked green peas through a sieve, add pepper and salt, a teaspoonful of sugar, a very little milk, and the yolks of 2 or 3 eggs, according to quantity of peas.

  40. Serve with a border of green peas or beans, and with mashed potatoes placed round the outside of the dish.

  41. Another method is to boil the peas with mint, salt, sugar and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda added to the water.

  42. Green peas may be used for this dish instead of tomatoes.

  43. When they are old the peas should always be passed through a potato masher, as the skins are very indigestible.

  44. Small young peas should always be chosen in preference to those which are old and large.

  45. Put the peas in a stewpan with the boiling water and onion and cook until tender (about half an hour).

  46. Put the peas to soak overnight, then cook with the onions until quite soft--pass through a sieve, add 1 gill of milk, bring to the boil.

  47. Mash peas fine, add water in which they were boiled, and rub through puree sieve.

  48. Wesley was, in fancy, eating his own green peas and squashes and things when he came in sight of the back veranda.

  49. Dinner is ready and the peas are getting cold," said Mrs. Solomon Black.

  50. Through the kitchen he passed, feeling guilty as he smelled new peas cooking for his delectation on Mrs. Black's stove.

  51. The peas danced merrily against the sides of an old-fashioned china bowl.

  52. We have with them mushrooms, fresh string bean, cooked endive, and new, not very good peas grown in glass.

  53. What did he care how many newly-planted hills of corn and rows of peas his hens might scratch up, provided the corn was not his corn, and the peas were not his peas, and provided he did not have to suffer for the scratching?

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    peasant girl; peasant life; peasant proprietary; peasant proprietors; peasant woman; pease porridge