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Example sentences for "betteh"

Lexicographically close words:
betrothment; bets; betta; bettah; betted; better; bettered; bettering; betterment; betterments
  1. They ain't no betteh man nowheahs than Mike.

  2. An' if they ain't no place to spend it, a man mout a heap sight betteh dig out coppeh.

  3. He los' his pa an his prop'ty too, but he know betteh dan to go on hatin' fereber.

  4. Dey's a long sight betteh fer cullud folks and white folks too, ef dey's a min' ter pull wid de curren' sted ob agin it.

  5. Tween us we take keer ob her, an' she be a heap betteh off eben ef she doan know it.

  6. This Faro, he can't seem to win no mile races, so the boss he thinks he might do betteh in a long one.

  7. If we jus' had a li'l wateh, now, we could do a betteh job on 'is hawss.

  8. Mebbe you betteh not say anythin' to yo' boss 'bout this.

  9. Well, if it has velly long legs I betteh quit looking on the glound, and look up.

  10. Ping Pong, “I so ’flaid the labbit no bling me pagoda, I think ho chun betteh get.

  11. Thu betteh the breed, thu worse they bolt when things go wrong, but they are mighty good critters to have in yuah brand!

  12. Thu betteh growths need pureh soil, an' men wisely sow theah good seed in the clean gahdens that Gawd intended thu otheh kind o' wimmins' hearts to be.

  13. If Kott make a man to do no betteh san make a living or a fawtune, it iss right for se man to make it; se man iss not to blame.

  14. Why, mist'ess, I could tell dat a heap sight betteh when de time come.

  15. Betteh no terms than none at all; yass, sah.

  16. We consid'ed it fah betteh to transfeh oveh that three thousan' a year to Rosemont, entire; which we did so.

  17. But you see now, you betteh go along back to yo' motheh, don't you?

  18. Do you know, my deah, I can tend to business betteh when I have ow son along?

  19. You betteh make arrangements at some livery stable to p'vide board an' room fo' Lily whilst you is A.

  20. When yo' eyes sees one thing an' yo' nose sees another you betteh believe yo' nose.

  21. I betteh git him fo' de passengers gets up.

  22. Ef Ah eber gets on sho' again Ah'll be a betteh man.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "betteh" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.