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Example sentences for "biomass"

Lexicographically close words:
biological; biologically; biologist; biologists; biology; bionomics; bioplasm; biota; biotic; biotite
  1. Variations in density and biomass of three common rodents on Quarry Field.

  2. Changing biomass ratios of three common rodents on House Field and Quarry Field.

  3. The upper graph shows the sum of the biomass of the three rodents.

  4. Preliminary standing stock and biomass estimates of seabirds in the subarctic Pacific region.

  5. Preliminary standing stock and biomass estimates of seabirds on the subarctic Pacific region.

  6. Unlike the antarctic pack ice, which supports a large biomass of pagophilic species, the number of pagophilic species supported by the arctic pack ice is small.

  7. Fay and Cade (1959) estimated numbers and biomass of all birds on St. Lawrence Island but did not identify locations and sizes of particular populations; consequently, replication of their estimates is precluded.

  8. The total biomass of these species is low.

  9. A bird would therefore have to eat a larger biomass of invertebrates than of fish to satisfy the same energetic needs (although cost of procurement might not be as high as for fish).

  10. The species is important in the over-all ecology; its biomass often exceeds that of larger species of vertebrates.

  11. Biomass in a population probably fluctuates but little during the course of the annual cycle, even though the number of individuals changes greatly.

  12. In areas where optimum habitat conditions exist its biomass may exceed that of any other insectivorous animal, and in such situations it assumes a major role as a predator and as a competitor with other insectivorous types.

  13. Perhaps one-third to one-half the annual biomass production may be taken away and used for composting without seriously depleting the lawn's vigor--especially if one application of a quality fertilizer is given to the lawn each year.

  14. Early pioneers would move into an untouched region, clear the forest, and plow in millennia of accumulated nutrients held as biomass on the forest floor.

  15. One realistic way to gauge the fertility of any particular soil body is to weigh the amount of biomass it sustains.

  16. Fertilizing will rarely be necessary again if little biomass is removed.

  17. Should any of these vital nutrient substances be in short supply, all biomass and plant growth will decrease to the level permitted by the amount available, even though there is an overabundance of all the rest.

  18. Keep in mind that half the biomass production in a field happens below ground as roots.

  19. Where nature is allowed to operate without human intervention, each place develops a stable level of biomass that is inevitably the highest amount of organic life that site could support.

  20. If these nutrients are needed in your soil, then add the ash to your compost piles where it will become an unreachable part of the biomass that will be gradually released in the garden when the compost is used.

  21. Leafy oats create a little more biomass than wheat.

  22. The reason is, wheat is closely broadcast in fall and makes a thick grassy overwintering stand that forms biomass out of most of the solar energy striking the field from spring until early summer when the seed forms.

  23. But the steady increase in biomass production seems to have tapered off in the last couple of years.

  24. Highly mineralized soils that produce a lot of biomass will naturally have more worms than infertile soils lacking humus.

  25. Where these mineral elements are abundant in soil, the entire soil body is more alive and carries much more biomass at all levels from bacteria through insects, plants, and even mammals.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "biomass" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.