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Example sentences for "bizzness"

Lexicographically close words:
biz; bizarre; bizcacha; bizness; bizniss; bizzy; blab; blabbed; blabbing; blac
  1. We went out of the bizzness then, and have not hankered for it sinse.

  2. I knu he wast a husband jist got back from a bizzness tower, bi hiz haste.

  3. Laughing is strikly an amuzement, altho some folks make a bizzness ov it.

  4. But while I almost worship neatness in folks, i hav seen them who did understand the bizzness so well az tew acktually make it fearful tew behold.

  5. They are about az hard to kill az a flaxseed iz, and if you don't mash them up az fine az ground pepper they will start bizzness agin, on a smaller kapital, jist az pestiverous az ever.

  6. Thus the frog duz bizzness for a spell ov time, until he gits tew be 21, and then his life iz more ramified.

  7. It iz the fust and the last sunshine that visits the heart; it was the warm welkum ov Eden's lovers, and was the only capital that sin left them tew begin bizzness with outside the Garden ov Pardise.

  8. Thare iz a tradishun in Pordunk, that Aquarius was once a tempranse lekturer, but gitting too thin for the bizzness waz translated, and sot to sprinkling in the zodiak.

  9. For thare aint no kind ov bizzness so mixt, Az doing a klean job in hash.

  10. Melkisidek hadn't mutch branes, but he didn't need much, for hiz bizzness thru life waz the lover bizzness.

  11. If yu pholler theze rules clussly, and don't suckceed, yu kan kum tew the konklushun that the doktrine bizzness ain't so good as it waz last year.

  12. Thare iz a grate deal ov genius in the horse-swop bizzness but fu assetts.

  13. In negotiating for sassige, do yure bizzness with the bolony men, then you kno what yu are gitting yu kant alwus tell what country sassige kontains.

  14. Aquarius duz the sprinkling pot bizzness for the zodiak.

  15. The muskeeter haz inhabited this world since its kreashun, and will probably hang around here until bizzness closes.

  16. The pissmire iz a blak bugg about 23 times az big az the ant, and az phull ov important bizzness az the chairman ov a wimmins rights convenshun.

  17. Illustration] The Hornet iz a red hot child ov natur, and haz a bizzness end to him.

  18. He takes to the bizzness just az handy az a yung duk takes to the water, who haz been hatched out by mistake amung a lot ov hen's eggs.

  19. Their principal bizzness is tew fite, and giv milk, they average about a quart ov milk, and four knokdowns a day.

  20. Thoze who fail in the comik bizzness are them who hav bin put out to nuss, or bin fetched up on a bottle.

  21. But philosophers hav argued about this hole bizzness for years.

  22. I reached her place ov residence early in the morning, and in one minnit after i told her mi bizzness her tounge had a phull hed ov steam on, and for 3 hours it run like a stream ov quicksilver down an inklined plain.

  23. Experiense iz a good thing tew lay down and die with, but yu kant do no big bizzness with it, (now daze,) it aint hot enuff.

  24. Too mutch branes iz rather a hindrance than a help to a simply bizzness man.

  25. Take the humbugg out ov this world, and yu wont hav mutch left tew do bizzness with.

  26. A good landlord iz like a good stepmother, he knows hiz bizzness and means to do hiz duty.

  27. It iz the fust and the last sunshine that visits the heart; it was the warm welkum ov Eden's lovers, and was the only capital that sin left them tew begin bizzness with outside the Garden ov Paradise.

  28. He follers no regular bizzness for sustenance, but livs on the chances and on hiz wit.

  29. It would also inkrease wolfs much, for i hav alwus notissed since i begun bizzness in this world that just in perposhun az lams got numerous, wolfs got numerous ackordin.

  30. Well, that ain't no bizzness of ours, Bob, so we don't need to trouble our heads about it.

  31. A muskeeter at 3 hours old iz just az reddy and anxious to go into bizzness for himself, az ever he iz, and bites the fust time az sharp, and natral, as red pepper duz.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bizzness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.