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Example sentences for "blabbed"

Lexicographically close words:
bizness; bizniss; bizzness; bizzy; blab; blabbing; blac; blace; black; blackamoor
  1. Then who’ve I blabbed The family-secrets to, unsnecking the cupboard, And setting the skeleton rattling his bones?

  2. But, in April 1608, Sprot has blabbed and is arrested.

  3. And somebody blabbed to a chambermaid and the chambermaid blabbed to somebody else.

  4. He had blabbed to many witnesses of a precious something hidden aboard the 'Worcester;' to Anne he said that he had now thrown it overboard.

  5. She fell on her knees, and told the whole story as I have told it to you, and as I shall take care to tell it to all to whom I have so foolishly blabbed my yet more foolish suspicions of yourself.

  6. You saved my sister's life, and the least I can do is to keep secret all that would pain your life if blabbed abroad.

  7. I have not blabbed as much in twenty years, and would not for a kingdom!

  8. He would have blabbed long ago to some one if he had been; don't figure him in, he's lost.

  9. How would you like your past life looked into, and blabbed out?

  10. If their record had been blabbed out for my benefit, there would not have been a dry eye in the house.

  11. Mr. Murphy was thereupon immediately sent for; and the doctor in his presence repeated again what he had seen at his lodgings as the foundation of his suing him, which the attorney, as we have before seen, had blabbed to Atkinson.

  12. Is he the man who blabbed to Old King Brady about Pow Chow and this treasure business?

  13. Fen Wix told Alice that he was seventy-six years old, and that one of the men to whom Pow Chow blabbed the secret in his cups ought to support him, but instead had treated him shabbily.

  14. But as for the crew, it came to my mind then what the drunken fellow had blabbed out the first night; and I said it was like enough to be true.

  15. After that, 'twas easy work to hold off the other two, one of whom was the drunken fool who had blabbed his secret days ago, had I only heeded it, in my sick cabin.

  16. And a good turn you did me, comrade, and more than me, by what you blabbed then.

  17. It seems that, in her delirium, she had spoken many things, and the servants blabbed them out to Mrs. Tracy.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blabbed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.