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Example sentences for "blackamoor"

Lexicographically close words:
blabbed; blabbing; blac; blace; black; blackamoors; blackball; blackballed; blackbeetles; blackberries
  1. FN#91] This familiarity with blackamoor slave-boys is common in Egypt and often ends as in the story: Egyptian blood is sufficiently mixed with negro to breed inclination for miscegenation.

  2. Seeing this the villain blackamoor feared for himself; so he killed Abrizah and fled for his life.

  3. I'll ask him, and assure him that the blackamoor is not to be trusted.

  4. Le Borgne and the blackamoor dashed from the open with staring horror.

  5. The blackamoor drew close the iron shutters; for, though those in the world must know the ways of the world, worldling practices were a sad offence to New England.

  6. Attended by the blackamoor and a soldier, with a musket across my shoulder, I led her out of a rear sally-port and so avoided the scenes of drunkenness among the Indians at the main gate.

  7. Behind came the blackamoor and the soldier.

  8. I thought only of the blackamoor and soldier.

  9. The blackamoor had rushed to the inner cave for liquor, when M.

  10. Once I had the good luck to restore a dropped gauntlet before the blackamoor could come.

  11. Hortense grew white to the lips and shouted for that lout of a blackamoor sound asleep on the sand.

  12. Turning to lead Hortense away before Le Borgne and the blackamoor began filling the grave, I found her stonily silent and tearless.

  13. Waiting upon her at either hand were the blackamoor and the negress.

  14. The blackamoor appeared to say that Deliverance Dobbins was "a-goin' in fits" on the dispensary floor.

  15. Old Death, his garments again rustling with a movement of savage impatience; and for an instant it struck the Blackamoor that he could see two ferocious eyes gleaming in the dark--but this was doubtless the mere fancy of the moment.

  16. The Blackamoor did not immediately answer the question; but, placing his hand upon his brow, appeared to reflect profoundly for almost the space of a minute.

  17. Lascelles, and between five and six o’clock in the evening, that Esther de Medina was conducted by the Blackamoor into the subterranean passage, the latter holding a lamp in his hand.

  18. It was between nine and ten o’clock in the evening; and the Blackamoor was seated in his apartment, looking over some letters, when Cæsar ushered in Dr.

  19. If by either of the latter means, you will of course be accompanied by a grinning blackamoor who will respond to the name of Mohammed, and be thoroughly useless except to prod the animal now and then.

  20. So Hasan made Ali put off his clothes; and, taking a cauldron heated therein somewhat as it were pitch, wherewith he anointed him and he became like unto a blackamoor slave.

  21. To wash the blackamoor white has been the favorite task of some modern historians.

  22. Then the huge blackamoor approached the frying-pan and upset it with the branch and went forth by the way he came in.

  23. By the Almighty, we have escaped from the blackamoor and from drowning: but how shall we escape from this abominable and viperish monster?

  24. As soon as evening fell the earth trembled under our feet and in came the blackamoor upon us, snarling like a dog about to bite.

  25. She fainted away from fright and the Blackamoor thinking her dead tossed her into a field of nettles in the outskirts of the town.

  26. Then the girl told the Prince about the wicked Chamberlain and the Blackamoor and it was all she and the old woman could do to keep the Prince from drawing his sword and rushing out instantly to kill both of them.

  27. He commanded that the murderous Blackamoor be executed the next day and he decreed that the Chamberlain and his wicked daughter be stripped of their lands and riches and sent into exile.

  28. The Blackamoor who was accustomed to do such deeds for the Chamberlain nodded and said he would.

  29. Those running footmen with their flaming torches, that huge blackamoor with his splendid livery, made a display that would have graced the semi-Oriental state of a Roman Empress in the decadence of the Empire.

  30. Ill betide thee for a blackamoor ape," said Gregory, his courage waxing apace when his fears of the supernatural began to subside; "and wherefore?

  31. Do thou lay hold of such a blackamoor slave who standeth at his head and bringeth him food from the kitchen.

  32. FN#6] Which probably would not be the last administered to him by the Amazonian young person, who after her mate feared to approach the dead blackamoor must have known him to be cowardly as Cairenes generally are.

  33. The Blackamoor A certain Man who had bought a Blackamoor said he was convinced that it was all nonsense about black being the natural colour of his skin.

  34. A courtier, who saw Othello performed at the Globe Theatre, remarked, that the blackamoor was a brute, and not a man.

  35. The Blackamoor of the Wood; being a Tragical end of a gallant Lord and virtuous Lady; .

  36. I am much obliged to you for all what you have to say," answered Paddy, laughing, "but I wish some of you would tell me how to wash a blackamoor white.

  37. I conjectured that Blackamoor had purloined something, and felt that I must keep him from going to the camp; but that was not easily accomplished.

  38. But Blackamoor went there, and indeed became a constant visitor.

  39. Wiggan and his older brother had taken Blackamoor from a nest in the top of a hemlock-tree.

  40. By this time the reader will have guessed that Blackamoor was the young crow which became one of our schoolhouse pets.

  41. The purloined articles were put in a large basket, and we set up a perch in the wagon, to which Blackamoor was chained in token of punishment.

  42. The suspicion, however, remained with me that Blackamoor was at the bottom of all the trouble.

  43. Then one forenoon I heard loud shouts outside, and on going to the door, saw a hatless Italian pursuing Blackamoor across the pasture below the house.

  44. If a dog or cat approached during school hours, Blackamoor would cry, "Har-r-r!

  45. Yet through it all I had a suspicion that the demonstration was directed at Blackamoor rather than against us; for I fancied that I had heard our bird say "Haw!

  46. Blackamoor came to school one morning in July, head downward, in the hands of one of my larger boys, named Wiggan Brown, who was a little inclined to thoughtless cruelty.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blackamoor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.