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Example sentences for "bloused"

Lexicographically close words:
bloude; bloudie; bloudshed; bloudy; blouse; blouses; blow; blowe; blowed; blowen
  1. We took in, at a glance, the larger features of the scene; and beheld, with half an eye, bloused fishers and dabbling washerwomen on the bank.

  2. There was an onrush of blue-bloused porters, with metal plate numbers on their arms.

  3. Monsieur," said a voice close by, and we saw our little blue-bloused porter.

  4. From fool thoughtlessness I had not put on my overcoat, which was now far away in charge of the blue-bloused porter.

  5. I did not even look where I knew his black-bloused figure to be; his hand might have been uplifted for all I knew.

  6. This dark-bloused lad was my loved son, who mutely implored me to be given his chance.

  7. George, after taking a long and earnest look at the blue bloused figure, nodded his head.

  8. Not one of Millet's blue-bloused countrymen but masters a dozen handicrafts.

  9. At a long wooden table in one sat a blue-bloused group drinking cider out of huge yellow mugs--scene for a painter.

  10. The commissionaire seized upon a blue-bloused porter, and gave me to him with the check, the carte, and a few sharply-spoken directions.

  11. A young blue-bloused workman and a girl hanging on his arm brushed close by our seat.

  12. Three blue-bloused street-sweepers with hose and broom were washing the asphalt as their cab slowed down, sounding its horn to warn them out of the way.

  13. On our way through Dieppe I notice blue-bloused peasants guiding small flocks of goats through the streets, calling them along with a peculiar, tuneful instrument that sounds somewhat similar to a bagpipe.

  14. Yet the chill before dawn found us blinking sleepily at a blue-bloused porter who, throwing open the carriage door, curtly announced that we were in Paris.

  15. Earth holds no more dismal sepulchre than that dark vault, through the crevice in whose wall the blue-bloused marketers cast curious glances.

  16. From behind one of the barns there suddenly emerged a blue-bloused figure from whose head a pigtail stuck out behind as it flew along.

  17. Every third or fourth man is a blue-bloused artisan; every tenth, a soldier in a showy uniform.

  18. That's a very good description," said the old bloused gentleman.

  19. The phenomenon was promptly explained by my bloused cicerone, who seemed to feel especial pleasure at my interest in the matter.

  20. It is always well to be accompanied by a blue-bloused native on these visits.

  21. We found a pleasant young French tourist with his blue-bloused guide eating omelettes in the salle-à-manger.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloused" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.