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Example sentences for "bobstay"

Lexicographically close words:
bobcats; bobolink; bobolinks; bobs; bobsled; bobstays; bobtail; bobtailed; bobwhite; bocher
  1. No bowsprit belonging to a straight-stemmed cutter should be a fixture, and the best and neatest fitting for the bobstay is a rod with a steel wire purchase at the end.

  2. Getting into a club boat, he set the mainsail, and, after letting go the moorings, he jumped aft to the helm, but unfortunately for him the hook of the mooring chain caught in the bobstay and held the boat fast.

  3. The bobstay has a loop at the nose and ends in a turnbuckle that fastens to the anchor plate under the cockpit, aft.

  4. The anchor plate for the bobstay under the cockpit is shown in Figs.

  5. He didn’t know I was courting Jenny Bobstay until he received my wedding-cards.

  6. Why, I should almost as soon expect, Uncle Bobstay to walk in at my door.

  7. Your aunt Bobstay brought me your picture, which somehow has mysteriously disappeared.

  8. Now to get that confounded Bobstay out of the way (goes towards door R.

  9. Sometimes the bobstay itself is set up too taut, at other times the jib stay is strained.

  10. You cannot make your bobstay too strong or fasten it too securely.

  11. It parted in a sea-way, and the shock broke the bobstay shackle.

  12. When in use, set it up just scant of the strain, so that if the bobstay parts it will catch the strain before the spar gets a good spring.

  13. They ran into a high head sea, and the foremast, being set up on the bowsprit, the bobstay parted under the strain and away everything went.

  14. Then he thought of the wire bobstay that ran down from the end of the bowsprit and was fastened to the stem near the waterline.

  15. The jib, however, must be hauled down; and with a hoarse shout to Moran, Jimmy lowered himself from the bowsprit until he felt the wire bobstay under his feet.

  16. It was impossible, however, when the bowsprit and bobstay were brought on board, that the crew should have failed to notice the break in the bar, and the news that there had been foul play had at once been passed round.

  17. I see by the papers this morning that you won the Cup, and also that the Osprey's bobstay burst at the right time, and that a great sensation had been caused by the discovery that there had been foul play.

  18. I believe the fisherman with me was drowned, but I clung to the bobstay and was got on board.

  19. Then a figure crawled out on the spar projecting above his head, seized him by the collar, and lifted him from the bobstay to which he was clinging on to the bowsprit.

  20. When he goes aloft on the main-boom and brails up his foregaff-bobstay I go with him.

  21. The fellow motioned to me to come to the bow of the vessel, and when I got there he came over the bulwarks and dropped like a monkey from one steel rope to another till he stood on the bobstay chains.

  22. Almost by a miracle, the captain clutched at the bobstay and managed to get one hand up and over the bowsprit.

  23. I 'll tell you what," 'Frisco Kid suggested half an hour later, while they clung to the bobstay preparatory to climbing out.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bobstay" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.