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Example sentences for "bobcats"

Lexicographically close words:
bobbin; bobbinet; bobbing; bobbins; bobcat; bobolink; bobolinks; bobs; bobsled; bobstay
  1. Wildcats, or bobcats as they are sometimes called, being also known as the bay lynx, are not as large as a good-sized dog.

  2. Only when they are disturbed, or fear that someone is going to harm their little ones or take away their food, do bobcats run after persons.

  3. Both boys came to a sudden halt, and as Jud started to raise his gun he exclaimed: "Unless I miss my guess, Paul, that was one of the bobcats Tolly Tip told us about.

  4. Paul kept the light going back and forth constantly, hoping that it might impress the bold bobcats with a sense of caution.

  5. All six bobcats from the Pacific slope had nematode worms in the pyloric end of the stomach.

  6. An indication of the hunting habits of bobcats is furnished by the occurrence of masses of prickly-pear thorns beneath the skin of the legs, particularly the forelegs, of three specimens trapped in the sage belt.

  7. The other bobcats from San Antonio Wash also had accumulations of thorns under the skin of the forelegs.

  8. Judging from trapping records bobcats are not so common here as the gray fox.

  9. Two bobcats trapped near Graham Canyon on the desert slope had hair and bones of deer in their stomachs.

  10. Bobcats occur in the sage belt, where they are most common in the broken country around washes and in brushy areas.

  11. These thorns probably were acquired while the bobcats foraged for woodrats or cottontails in the patches of prickly-pear, which are locally abundant in the sage belt.

  12. Bobcats are most numerous where woodrats also reach peak abundance, suggesting that woodrats are a major food.

  13. Although bobcats and coyotes occupy the same general areas here, the habitat preferences of these animals seem to be different, with coyotes occupying the more open country.

  14. None of the specimens of bobcats from the coastal slope of the mountains showed characters approaching those of baileyi.

  15. There's always a state of open war between these bobcats and all men who walk in the woods.

  16. Bobcats have been seen, by myself and by others, near Rock Springs.

  17. As she believed, from what her cousins had told her, bobcats are not usually dangerous.

  18. Coyotes, foxes, and bobcats all are willing to chance an encounter with this doughty little scrapper for the sake of the tasty meal he will furnish.

  19. The long tail is a field mark identifying the young, which, having a spotted coat, otherwise resemble young bobcats to some degree.

  20. Though bobcats are the least spectacular of our native cats they are the most numerous and evenly distributed.

  21. They were making a business of trapping and had extensive trap-lines set throughout the region, mostly for beavers, minks, bobcats and coyotes, but some for bears too.

  22. Lions, likewise, visited the heights and took toll of mothers as well as of offspring; even bobcats pounced upon them.

  23. In this way he has a private exit when weasels or bobcats make their uninvited visitations.

  24. It is well also to wear gloves while setting traps, and to use them for no other purpose, though the precautions against arousing the suspicion of bobcats are less necessary than those in trapping wolves and coyotes.

  25. The depredations of bobcats in parts of Arkansas in recent years have made hog raising on an extensive scale impracticable in such localities.

  26. Scented Trap A scent attractive to bobcats may be used to advantage to lure the animals to trap sets.

  27. Care in Details Success in trapping, whether for bobcats or for other predators, is in many respects dependent upon the trapper's attention to what might seem to be minor details.

  28. Bobcats are easily caught in traps of the common double-spring steel type, in sizes 2 and 3.

  29. Bobcats usually have their scent posts slightly off the trail, on stubble of range grasses, on bushes, or even on old bleached-out carcasses.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bobcats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.