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Example sentences for "bogies"

Lexicographically close words:
boggle; boggled; boggy; boght; bogie; bogland; bogles; bogs; bogus; bogy
  1. Besides there are many mythical bogies still at large, according to native lore, making the bush a gnome-land.

  2. Among the bogies of the Mayas of Yucatan, Dr.

  3. The first landfall I made was when I got through the bush of wild cocoanuts, and came in view of the bogies on the wall.

  4. And the singular thing was that all these bogies were as fresh as toys out of a shop.

  5. The first landfall I made was when I got through the bush of wild cocoa-nuts, and came in view of the bogies on the wall.

  6. He had never seen deep water before, and shivered as the flat drew away and left his bogies within six inches of the black, shiny tide.

  7. Recruited from the strongest and healthiest of the working-classes, it is above all indispensable that the Chinese letter-carrier should not be afraid of any ghostly enemy, such as bogies or devils.

  8. There they are loaded on iron bogies and carried off, or rolled along as before to the weighing machines; everything is paid for according to the weight of the finished material.

  9. Here and there are fixed small turn-tables to enable the bogies to negotiate the angles and move from track to track.

  10. They were piled upon big trucks and bogies and got past the entrances with the watchman's consent and connivance.

  11. My bogies are as foolish as Barbara's," he said to himself with a smile as he went back to the daily toil of his letters.

  12. At last the bogies had him in their grip.

  13. We do not yet even keep any ghostly zoological garden in which the bogies of Japanese, Australians, Red Indians, and other distant peoples may be accommodated.

  14. These Oriental bogies do not appear in the dark alone, or only in haunted houses, or at cross- roads, or in gloomy woods.

  15. But our ogres are nothing to the bogies which make not only night but day terrible to the studious infants of Japan and China.

  16. It is not believed in here except by some children, who people the dark with bogies who will carry them away if they are naughty.

  17. If you keep bogies and goblins away from children they would make them up for themselves.

  18. He slapped the bogies on the back and asked the devils to drink wine with him; many a time in my youth, when stifled with some modern morbidity, I have prayed for a double portion of his spirit.

  19. So she spent the next ten minutes in adorning her paper with fantastic ink shapes, that she named bogies on the spot and wove into a fairy story about an enchanted princess, who had to write a composition in an hour and a half.

  20. The fact is--the ink bogies have saved the Princess!

  21. I have only to give a tiny twist to this tap, my good fellow, and you will be in the land where the bogies bloom.

  22. I found myself confronting an individual who might almost have sat for one of the bogies I had just alluded to.

  23. Malcolmson smiled to himself as he recalled to mind the saying of Mrs. Dempster, 'Bogies is rats, and rats is bogies!

  24. Rats is bogies, I tell you, and bogies is rats; and don't you get to think anything else!

  25. Mrs. Dempster sniffed in a superior manner as the landlady disappeared, and remarked that for her own part she wasn't afraid of all the bogies in the kingdom.

  26. I used to believe in all the bogies at one time.

  27. We have seen small sea-serpents, and there is no reason why there might not be big ones, but as to what you call bogies and ghosts, for goodness sake throw over all those silly superstitious notions.

  28. I had my eight bogies on, and by the rights of things I had no business to take on your beastly truck--and now I tell you that the line is not safe, and here I stay for the night.

  29. A dozen wheeled barricades--open trucks, groaning bogies piled with war material--separate you from the platform.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bogies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.